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Automatically generated new items daily, available for free to enhance your games or inspire your creativity! Total Items: 176

Feywind Flute

Very Rare


5,000-10,000 gp


This delicate flute is crafted from pale, almost luminescent wood, with intricate vine-like patterns carved along its length. Small, iridescent leaves seem to sprout from the vines, catching the light in mesmerizing ways.

This flute has 3 charges. As an action, you can play the flute and expend 1 charge to cast Charm Person (save DC 15) on a target within 60 feet. If the target fails its saving throw, it is charmed by you for 1 hour or until it takes damage. The flute regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the flute's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the flute vanishes in a puff of mist, lost forever.


The Feywind Flute was first played by a bard who charmed a powerful archfey, earning both the archfey's favor and ire.

Musical Instruments

Nectar of the Sylvan Court



2,000-4,000 gp


A small crystal vial filled with a shimmering green liquid that glows faintly in the presence of nature.

When you drink this sweet nectar, you regain 2d4 + 2 hit points and gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened for 1 hour. After drinking the Nectar, roll a d20. On a roll of 1, the vial shatters, destroying the item.


Crafted by a powerful Archfey, the Nectar of the Sylvan Court was gifted to noble champions who aided in maintaining the balance between the Feywild and the Material Plane.

Food and Drink

Gossamer Locket



250-500 gp


A delicate silver locket with intricate fey designs etched onto its surface. Inside, a shimmering gossamer thread can be seen coiling and swirling on its own.

While wearing this locket, the bearer has advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when interacting with fey creatures. Additionally, once per day, the bearer can use an action to release the gossamer thread, creating a 10-foot wide area of magical light that functions as a zone of truth spell. The light lasts for 1 minute before fading away.


Crafted by a fey artisan known for their love of human companionship, the Gossamer Locket was given as a gift to bridge the gap between the two worlds.

Holy Symbols and Relics

Staff of Casting



50,000+ gp


A twisted staff with constantly shifting runes carved into its surface, emanating a faint aura of unrestrained magic.

This staff has 15 charges. As an action, you can expend 1 or more charges to cast a spell from it. The spell's level can be no higher than the number of charges used. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. Additionally, whenever a spell is cast from the staff, roll a d20. On a roll of 1, a wild surge occurs, causing a random magical effect as determined by the DM.


The Staff of Chaos was wielded by a powerful, yet unstable sorcerer who sought to harness the raw power of chaos for their own gain.


Chaosweave Armor



500 gp


This armor appears to be made up of shimmering, chaotic threads that constantly shift and change colors unpredictably.

While wearing this armor, you gain resistance to one type of damage. At the start of each day, roll a d6 to determine the damage type (1: fire, 2: cold, 3: lightning, 4: acid, 5: poison, 6: thunder). This resistance lasts until the next dawn.


Forged by a mad wizard who sought to embrace the unpredictability of chaos in battle.


Mantle of Ignition

Very Rare


5,000-10,000 gp


This mantle appears as a deep, crimson cloak, its fabric constantly shifting and alive with a mesmerizing play of arcane-infused flames. It doesn't merely emit light and warmth but seems to have a life of its own, with flames whispering arcane secrets to those who listen closely. The mantle's edges are adorned with runes that glow intermittently, hinting at the ancient magic woven into its very threads.

Ember Shield: When the wearer takes damage, they can reduce the damage by 2d10 + their spellcasting ability modifier. This ability can be used a number of times equal to the wearer's spellcasting ability modifier (minimum once), replenished after a long rest.

Light of the Protector: The mantle can emit a bright, comforting light at the wearer's command, illuminating up to a 30-foot radius with bright light, and an additional 30 feet with dim light. This light can dispel magical darkness of 3rd level or lower and provides advantage on saving throws against being frightened.


Forged by a pyromancer who was searching of a way to protect instead of destroying with the element of fire.

Tools and Kits

Infernal Helm of Blazing Defense

Very Rare


5,000-10,000 gp


Crafted from obsidian and adorned with a motif of flames, this helm features a visor in the shape of a roaring inferno, its eye slits glowing with a smoldering light. The flames seem to react to the wearer's emotions, flaring with intensity during moments of passion or combat.

Elemental Shift:

While wearing this helm, you retain resistance to fire damage. However, the helm's primary ability lies in its connection to the elemental planes, allowing you to adapt to your surroundings.

Once per long rest, as an action, you can tap into the helm's power to shift your affinity to another element (cold, lightning, or acid) for 1 hour. During this time, you gain resistance to the chosen element, and your melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 damage of the selected type.

Furthermore, when you first activate this ability after a longrest, you can choose to emit a burst in a 15-foot radius centered on yourself. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15) or take 4d6 damage of the chosen elemental type (cold, lightning, or acid) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Legend has it that the helm was not only forged in the heart of a volcano but also quenched in the icy waters of the elemental plane of water, struck by a bolt from the elemental plane of air, and coated in dust from the elemental plane of earth. This ritual was designed by a fire mage who realized that true protection comes from mastering all elements, not just fire. The mage sought to create an artifact that could offer versatility in defense and offense, allowing its wearer to adapt to any threat.

Helmets and Shields

Saint's Spirit Vial



2,500-5,000 gp


A small vial filled with glowing liquid that seems to constantly shift in color, resembling a variety of different ales and spirits.

This vial contains the distilled essence of renowned spirits from divine breweries. As an action, the attuned creature can drink from the vial to gain the benefits of a Bless spell for 1 hour. Once this ability is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.


Crafted by a legendary cleric known for his love of brewing sacred ales, these vials were often gifted to worthy servants of the faith.

Holy Symbols and Relics

Pyroclastic Scepter



50,000 gp


A staff made of obsidian with swirling red and orange veins running through it. At its crown, a large ruby glows with intense heat, and wisps of smoke constantly emanate from the staff.


Lava Wave: Utilizing an action, the wielder can unleash a titanic wave of molten lava in a devastating 60-foot cone. All creatures caught within must attempt a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, enduring 10d8 fire damage on a failure, or half as much on success. The aftermath leaves the terrain difficult to navigate, cooling after 1 minute. This mighty surge can be summoned once per day, renewing at dawn.

Volcanic Resurgence: Twice per day, the scepter allows its bearer to command the earth itself, causing a 30-foot radius to violently spew volcanic spikes from a chosen point within 120 feet. This eruption inflicts 6d6 piercing damage and seeks to knock creatures prone unless they navigate a DC 19 Dexterity save. The affected zone transforms into an obstacle of difficult terrain.

Ember Shield: As a bonus action, the scepter's guardian can conjure a protective ember shield. For 1 minute, this barrier bestows immunity to fire damage upon the wielder, retaliating against melee attackers with 3d6 fire damage. After its activation, the Ember Shield lies dormant until the completion of a long rest.


Forged in the heat of a volcanic eruption, this staff was once wielded by a mighty fire giant known for decimating entire armies singlehandedly. It was said that the staff itself absorbed the rage and fury of the volcanoes it was born from.


Molten Core Arrows

Very Rare


8,000-10,000 gp


These arrows are crafted from obsidian with swirling red and orange patterns. The arrowheads glisten with molten lava, ready to unleash their fiery power.

3d6 Arrows. When you hit a creature with these arrows, they explode in a burst of molten lava dealing an additional 3d6 fire damage to the target and all creatures within 10 feet.


Forged by a powerful fire mage in the heart of a volcano, these arrows were made to bring destruction upon enemies of the realm.


Molten Blade



2,000-5,000 gp


A longsword with a blade that appears to be made of flowing lava, emitting a faint heat.

This magic weapon deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on a successful hit. Once per day, the wielder can channel the weapon's fiery energy to create a 15-foot line of fire that each creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 15) or take 2d6 fire damage. The blade regains its daily charge after being submerged in lava for 1 hour.


Forged by a powerful fire genasi blacksmith who tapped into the elemental plane of fire for its creation.


Molten Core Amulet



500-750 gp


A small obsidian amulet with swirling red and orange patterns resembling flowing lava.

While wearing this amulet, you have resistance to fire damage. Additionally, as a reaction to taking fire damage, you can absorb half of the damage, transform and redirect it into a 15-foot cone in front of you, causing the other half in cold damage to creatures in that area. Once you use this ability, it can't be used again until you finish a short or long rest.


Forged by a powerful fire mage who sought to harness the raw power of lava in battle.

Wondrous Item

Mantle of Molten Flow

Very Rare


5,000 - 10,000 gp


This enchanted mantle is woven from threads of magic and materialized lava, shimmering with an unearthly glow and emitting faint heat waves that seem to dance on its surface.

While wearing this mantle, you have resistance to fire damage and can move across lava or any extremely hot surface as if it were harmless solid ground.

Once per day, as an action, the wearer can summon a swirling veil of volcanic ash and smoke around them. For 1 minute, this veil grants the wearer advantage on Stealth checks and imposes disadvantage on attack rolls against the wearer. The veil dissipates early if the wearer makes an attack or casts a spell that affects an enemy creature. For this minute any damage dice you roll for damage explode at their highest value.


Forged in the heart of a volcano by ancient fire giants, the Mantle of Molten Flow was worn by the legendary warrior Pyra the Inferno.


Magma Brew Elixir



1,000-2,000 gp


A small obsidian vial containing a fiery liquid that seems to pulse with heat.

This elixir, when consumed, allows the drinker to tap into the raw force of volcanic power. Up to three within the next hour, as an action, the drinker can slam the ground, causing a miniaturized volcanic eruption to occur at a point they can see within 60 feet. This eruption creates a 10-foot diameter zone of molten rock and spewing lava, dealing 6d6 fire damage to all creatures within the area when it erupts and creating difficult terrain. The area cools after 1 minute but remains difficult terrain until cleared.


Forged by a powerful fire mage in the heart of a volcano, this elixir harnesses the raw power of volcanic energy.


Vulcanic Wand of Eruption



800-1,200 gp


This wand is made of obsidian and adorned with glowing orange runes that pulse with power. As you hold it, you feel a faint warmth emanating from within.

This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the Fireball spell (save DC 13) from it. For each charge you expend, the spell's level increases by 1. The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dusk.


Forged deep within the heart of a volcano by a powerful fire mage seeking to harness the raw power of the earth's fury.


Infernal Ember Armor



5,000-10,000 gp


This suit of armor is crafted from obsidian scales that shimmer with an inner fire. Runes of ancient flames dance along its edges, giving off a faint glow.

While wearing this armor, you have resistance to fire damage. Additionally, as a reaction to being hit by a melee attack, you can expend one charge from the armor to erupt in flames, dealing 2d6 fire damage to the attacker. The armor has 5 charges, and it regains 1d4+1 charges daily at dusk.

Once per week you can use an action to transform yourself, including all of your items into a Fire Elemental for one minute, similar to a wildshape.


Forged by a powerful fire elemental trapped within a volcano, this armor was created to allow mortals to harness the essence of fire in battle.


Flamebrand Staff



500 gp


A sleek wooden staff with intricate carvings of flames licking up its length, topped with a glowing red gem that flickers with inner fire.

While holding this staff, you can conjure a small flame in your hand, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can use this flame to cast the firebolt spell dealing d12 instead of d10s of fire damage on a hit.


Forged by a pyromancer seeking a way to control her flames effortlessly in battle.


Ring of Magma Flow



500 gp


This ring is made of obsidian with swirling red and orange patterns that seem to mimic flowing lava. Tiny flames dance along the edges of the ring when worn.

While wearing this ring, you have resistance to fire damage. Additionally, as an action, you can cast the spell 'Aganazzar's Scorcher' (1st level) once per long rest.


Forged by a powerful fire mage who sought to tame the destructive power of volcanoes, this ring was lost during a volcanic eruption but recently unearthed by an adventurer.


Volcanic Wand of Eruption



5,000-10,000 gp


This wand is made of obsidian and has intricate carvings of lava flowing down its length. The tip glows faintly with molten energy.

This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more charges to cast the Fireball spell (save DC 15) from it. For each charge you expend, the spell's damage increases by 1d6. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.


Forged in the heart of a raging volcano, this wand channels the destructive power of the earth's fury.


Molten Core Soup Pot



2,000-5,000 gp


A black cast iron soup pot with intricate golden lava patterns flowing across its surface. The handle is adorned with ruby gems that sparkle in the light.

This magical soup pot has the ability to heat up any liquid inside of it to a bubbling lava temperature when placed over a flame. Once per day, the pot can magically produce a delicious and nourishing soup that restores 2d4 + 2 hit points when consumed.


Forged in the heart of a volcanic caldera by a powerful fire mage who sought to create the ultimate culinary tool.

Food and Drink

Cinder Band



250-500 gp


A simple iron band with small embers flickering along its surface.

While wearing this band, you have resistance to fire damage. As a reaction to taking fire damage, you can increase the damage dealt by your next fire-based attack by (Proficiency Bonus / 2)d6. Once used, this ability recharges after completing a short or long rest.


Forged by a volcano deity to protect their worshippers from the treacherous depths of lava pits.

Mundane Items

Inferno Brew



5,000 gp


A fiery red potion sealed with a flame-shaped stopper, swirling with golden embers.

When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to fire damage for 1 hour. Additionally, once per day, as an action, you can exhale a 15-foot cone of flames, forcing each creature in the area to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.


Forged by a skilled alchemist who sought to harness the power of the phoenix, this brew was created through a series of complex rituals involving rare herbs and sacred flames.

Food and Drink

Inferno Guard



75,000+ gp


The Inferno Guard is a masterwork of ancient craftsmanship, its plates forged in the heart of a long-lost volcano. Its surface is etched with runes of protection and power, and it glows with a fierce internal light that shifts like the heart of a flame. The armor is warm to the touch, and when the wearer is attacked, it occasionally erupts in protective flames.

Benefits of Attunement
Fire Immunity: The wearer is granted immunity to fire damage, embodying the inferno's wrath.
Flame Cloak: Once per long rest, activating this armor wraps the wearer in a billowing cloak of fire for 1 minute. Enemies within 5 feet suffer 2d6 fire damage, and the wearer resists all except water or cold-based attacks.
Infernal Conduit: Spell attack rolls and spell save DCs for fire damage spells increase by +2, channeling the raw power of the Inferno Guard.
Eternal Flame: Emitting bright light for 20 feet and dim light for an additional 20 feet, this feature can be toggled on or off at will.
Volcanic Resurgence: A one-time use per attunement triggers upon the wearer's fall, erupting in a fiery explosion that stabilizes the wearer and inflicts 6d6 fire damage on nearby foes. Following this, the armor's loses its properties and can't be unattuned for 1 week.

The Inferno Guard houses the spirit of Pyraax the Forgemaster, a being of chaotic good with a fiery temperament, speaking telepathically in Ignan and Common. Pyraax seeks the destruction of cold and dark entities, pushing the wearer towards challenges that test their mettle.

Random Properties
Upon attunement or at any point after attunement, should the armor deem its new master worthy, it bestows additional boons, chosen by fate or the whims of Pyraax itself: 2 Minor, 1 Major Beneficial Properties.

Minor Beneficial Properties (1d4 Table) :

Wielder's Boon: +1 to Strength or Dexterity, to a max of 20.
Elemental Affinity: Gain the Ignan language.
Firewalker: Traverse fire and lava without harm.
Flame's Grace: Gain or improve proficiency in Acrobatics or Athletics.

Major Beneficial Properties (1d4 Table) :
Phoenix Wing Flare: Gain a flying speed of 60 feet for 10 minutes, once per long rest.
Infernal Majesty: Cast dominate monster on fire-related creatures once per long rest.
Emberheart: Gain resistance to all damage types for 1 minute, once per long rest.
Volcanic Rebuke: React with a burst of volcanic ash and flame, dealing 4d10 fire damage to an attacker, once per long rest.


Forged in the heart of a volcanic mountain by a legendary Fire Mage known as Pyraax, the Inferno Guard was created to protect its wearer from the most intense of fire-based attacks.


Inferno Armor



1,000-2,000 gp


A set of red and gold plated armor with flickering flames dancing along the edges.

While wearing this armor, you have resistance to fire damage. Additionally, as a reaction, you can conjure a shield of fire to block an incoming attack, granting you a +2 bonus to AC against that attack. Once you use this feature, it can't be used again until you finish a short or long rest.


Forged by a skilled blacksmith who sought to protect themselves from the wrath of a fire elemental.


Twilight Tome of Fading



5,000-7,500 gp


A weathered tome bound in dark leather with silver runes that seem to shimmer and fade as if touched by twilight.

This spellbook contains 10 spells of the gm's choice that can only be cast once per long rest. After using a spell, roll a d6. On a roll of 1-5, the spell remains faded and unusable until the next dawn. On a roll of 6, the spell regains its magic immediately.


Crafted by a reclusive wizard who yearned for the quiet serenity of twilight, this tome holds the ephemeral essence of dusk and dawn.


Fading Cloak



300-500 gp


A dark cloak that seems to shimmer and fade in and out of existence, almost as if it's on the brink of disappearing.

While wearing this cloak, you can use a bonus action to activate its Fading ability. When activated, the cloak grants you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for 1 minute. Once you use this ability, it can't be used again until you finish a short or long rest.


Crafted by a reclusive wizard who preferred to stay hidden from the world, the Fading Cloak was meant to aid in silent and elusive movements.

Wondrous Item

Phantom Essence Elixir



2,500-5,000 gp


A small vial filled with a faintly glowing, ghostly liquid that swirls unnaturally within the container.

When you drink this elixir, you gain the ability to turn ethereal as an action. While in this state, you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object. The elixir's magical effects last for 1 hour. Once used, this elixir regains its magic at the stroke of midnight.


Crafted by a powerful necromancer seeking a way to exist between the realms of the living and the dead.


Spectral Shuriken



250 gp


This shuriken appears to be made of translucent, ghostly material, emitting a faint, eerie glow.

This shuriken has 3 charges. When you make a ranged attack with it, you can expend 1 charge to deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. The shuriken regains 1d3 charges each time you finish a short rest.


Forged in the depths of a haunted temple by a vengeful spirit seeking retribution.


Ghostly Visage Shield



50-100 gp


This shield is made of transparent material, and when looked through, faint images of ghostly faces can be seen swirling within.

While holding this shield, you can use your reaction to project a faint ghostly visage that startles creatures within 5 feet of you, giving them disadvantage on their next attack roll. This ability can be used once per short rest.


Forged by a skilled potion maker who dabbled in necromancy, this shield is meant to protect the wearer from unwanted attacks.

Helmets and Shields

Celestial Amulet of Summoning



2,500 gp


An ornate golden amulet with a vibrant celestial gem at its center, pulsating with otherworldly energy.

This amulet allows the wearer to summon a celestial being to aid them in battle. Once per long rest, the wearer can use an action to summon a celestial creature of CR 3 or lower that appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet. The celestial remains for 1 hour, follows the wearer’s verbal commands, and disappears if reduced to 0 hit points. After using this ability, roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or lower, the amulet loses its magic and cannot be used for summoning until after a long rest.


Forged by an ancient order of celestial worshippers, this amulet was created to bring divine assistance to those in need.

Gems and Jewelry

Pouch of Bountiful Fare



500 gp


This small, leather pouch is adorned with intricate arcane symbols and glows softly with a warm, inviting light.

This pouch contains an extradimensional space that can hold an assortment of delicious rations and provisions. Once per day, the owner can speak a command word to summon a magically created feast, providing enough food and drink to sustain up to six creatures for 24 hours. The feast disappears after eating.


Crafted by a benevolent wizard for adventurers embarking on perilous quests, this pouch was designed to ensure the party's survival in even the harshest environments.

Rations and Provisions

Beastcaller's Brew



25-50 gp


A small vial filled with a swirling green liquid, with hints of fur and claw marks etched into the glass.

When consumed, this brew allows the user to communicate with any beast they encounter for the next hour, as if under the effects of the Speak with Animals spell. Once consumed, the vial shatters and cannot be reused.


A druidic circle in the heart of the forest concocted this brew to foster greater harmony between the inhabitants of the wild.

Magical Consumables

Animal Amulet



50-100 gp


A small silver amulet shaped like a beast's paw with intricate engravings.

While wearing this amulet, you can use an action to cast the Friends cantrip. Once used, the amulet cannot be used again until you feed it a piece of meat from a wild beast as a ritual that takes 1 minute.


Crafted by a druid who had a close bond with animals, the Beastcaller's Amulet was created to ease communication with wild creatures.

Wondrous Item

Beastcaller's Amulet

Very Rare


10,000-20,000 gp


A pendant made of intertwining vines with a gemstone that seems to pulse with animal energy.

While wearing this amulet, as an action, you can summon a spectral version of any beast you have seen before. This spectral beast appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of you and acts as your ally, following your commands to the best of its ability. It remains for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit points, or until you dismiss it as an action.

The spectral beast retains all its statistics from its living form but is considered a spectral creature, gaining resistance to nonmagical damage and immunity to poison and disease. Its hit points are equal to half of its normal maximum.

Once per summoning, if you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to command the spectral beast to interpose itself, taking the hit in your place. This feature symbolizes the protective bond between the summoner and their spectral companion.


Crafted by ancient druids to help protect the natural world, this amulet has been passed down through generations.

Wondrous Item

Elixir of Titan's Might

Very Rare


5,000-7,500 gp


A shimmering golden potion with swirling effects that exude immense power.

When consumed, the drinker gains a +4 bonus to their Strength score for 1 hour. Once the effects wear off, the drinker must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 exhaustion.


Crafted by ancient giants known for their unparalleled strength.


Strength of the Titan's Gem



500-1,000 gp


A large emerald set in an intricately crafted silver pendant, emanating a faint green glow.

While wearing this gem, you have advantage on Strength saving throws and Strength checks. Additionally, you can use an action to channel the gem's power, gaining temporary hit points equal to your Strength score. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


Forged by dwarven artisans to aid warriors in battle against a powerful giant clan.

Gems and Jewelry

Elixir of Titan's Strength



250-500 gp


A small vial filled with a shimmering liquid that seems to swirl with raw power.

When you drink this elixir, your Strength score increases by 2 for 1 hour. Once the effect wears off, you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.


Crafted by a renowned alchemist seeking to help warriors in their time of need.


Scepter of Divine Protection



500 gp


A golden scepter with intricate engravings of celestial beings, emitting a faint aura of divine energy.

While holding this scepter, you can use an reaction to cast Shield of Faith without expending a spell slot. Once you use this property, it can't be used again until the next dawn.


Forged by a devout cleric to aid in the protection of their companions during a holy crusade.

Mundane Items

Elixir of Divine Wisdom



250-500 gp


A small vial filled with a shimmering golden liquid that emits a faint, soothing glow.

When consumed, the drinker gains advantage on all Wisdom saving throws for 1 hour. Once used, the elixir can only be regained after completing a long rest in a temple dedicated to a deity.


Crafted by a renowned cleric seeking to protect their followers from mental manipulations.


Thunderstrike Ammunition



250 gp


3d6 metallic orbs that ave intricate engravings of storm clouds and lightning bolts along their surface.

When thrown at a target, this ammunition explodes in a burst of thunderous energy. Each creature within 5 feet of the target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 thunder damage.


Forged by a tribe of storm giants to aid their hunts during thunderstorms.


Thundercrack Staff



50-100 gp


A simple wooden staff with faint lightning-shaped patterns etched along its length.

This staff has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and create a harmless thunderous sound that can be heard up to 100 feet away. The staff regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn.

Additionally, the wielder has the ability to produce minor lightning flashes within a range of 30 feet, capable of setting objects ablaze.


Forged by a novice wizard fascinated by the power of thunder magic.


Thundercaller Staff



300-500 gp


A sleek black staff with intricate carvings of thunderclouds and lightning bolts running along its length. At the top of the staff, a small storm cloud seems to constantly swirl and crackle with energy.

This staff has 6 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the Thunderwave spell (save DC 13) from it. For each charge you expend beyond 1, the spell's damage increases by 1d8. The staff regains all expended charges daily at dawn.


Forged by a powerful storm mage who sought to bring the fury of the heavens to their enemies, this staff has since been passed down through generations of spellcasters.


Galeguard Armor



600 gp


This suit of armor has intricate designs resembling swirling winds etched into the metal, and a faint breeze seems to follow it wherever it goes.

While wearing this armor, you have resistance to thunder damage. Additionally, as a reaction to being hit by a melee attack, you can use the wind at your command to push the attacker 10 feet away from you. Once you use this reaction, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.


Forged by the legendary Windsmiths of Aerilon to protect their people from the dangers of the stormy seas.


Breath of Zephyr



2,000-5,000 gp


Contained within a crystal vial, this potion swirls with a shimmering blue liquid, where tiny, contained tornadoes can be seen dancing. When uncorked, the sound of a gentle breeze escaping is heard, and the scent of a fresh storm fills the air around it.


Upon drinking this potion, the imbiber's body becomes a conduit for the primal forces of wind and storm, granting them the following abilities for the next hour:

Augmented Gust of Wind: You can cast an enhanced version of the 'Gust of Wind' spell as an action. This version creates a line of wind 120 feet long and 20 feet wide. Creatures within the line must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 30 feet away and knocked prone. The wind is so powerful it can push large or smaller creatures an additional 10 feet away (for a total of 40 feet) if they fail the saving throw by 5 or more.

Greater Resistance: Creatures attempting to move closer to the caster through the wind require 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot they move, as they battle against the intensified gales.

Enhanced Dispersal: The gust disperses gas or vapor immediately and extinguishes all unprotected flames within its area. Protected flames, such as those of lanterns, have an 80 percent chance of being extinguished.

Wind's Call: As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can change the direction of the wind. Additionally, you can choose to intensify the wind's force on one of your turns, causing any creature that fails its saving throw against the wind to be disarmed if it is holding anything loosely.


Crafted by an ancient air elemental, this potion was gifted to mortals to empower them with the winds' might.



Very Rare


10,000-20,000 gp


A thick leather-bound tome with intricate swirling patterns etched on the cover, emitting a faint gust of wind when opened.

This spellbook contains a collection of powerful wind-based spells, allowing the caster to manipulate air currents and summon fierce winds. The Galegrimoire has 6 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. By expending a charge, the caster can cast gust of wind or control winds (as per the spell descriptions) without expending a spell slot.


Crafted by an ancient air elemental sorcerer seeking to amplify their mastery over wind magic.


Ring of Chaotic Sparks


Chaos Magic

50 gp


A simple silver ring with a small lightning bolt etched on it.

This ring has 3 charges. When you are hit by a melee attack, you can expend 1 charge to unleash a spark of chaotic energy. Roll a d6: 1-2, the attacker takes 1d4 lightning damage; 3-4, you take 1 lightning damage; 5-6, a random creature within 10 feet takes 1d4 lightning damage. The ring regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn.


Crafted by a mischievous mage who enjoyed the unpredictability of chaos magic.


Chaotic Elixir of Transformation


Chaos Magic

300 gp


A swirling, multicolored potion that seems to constantly change in shape and form.

When consumed, the imbiber gains the ability to polymorph into a random creature (determined by the DM) for 1 hour. Once used, the elixir recharges after the imbiber rolls a d20. On a roll of 1, the elixir transforms the imbiber into a harmless creature like a squirrel or rabbit, on a roll of 20, the imbiber can choose the creature to transform into up to his Level in CR.


Crafted by a mad alchemist who sought to harness the essence of chaos itself.


Scroll of Dimensional Nexus

Very Rare

10,000-20,000 gp


This ancient scroll is inscribed with shimmering runes that seem to shift and change as if alive.

When activated, this scroll opens a temporary dimensional portal that allows the user to instantly teleport to any location they are familiar with. However, each use of the scroll runs the risk of attracting extraplanar creatures to the user's current location.


Crafted by a powerful archmage seeking to explore and revisit the far reaches of the multiverse.


Echoing Elixir



500 gp


A small vial filled with a shimmering liquid that seems to pulse with soundwaves.

Can be consumed as a reaction after taking damage. When consumed, the Echoing Elixir grants the imbiber resistance to the type damage he recieved for 1 minute. Once used, the Elixir recharges at dawn.


Crafted by an eccentric alchemist who sought to harness the power of soundwaves for protection.

Poison and Toxins

Amulet of Resonance



50 gp


This amulet is crafted from a small, iridescent crystal that seems to glow softly in the light. It emits a faint humming sound when held close.

While wearing this amulet, you can use an action to create a minor soundwave that can be heard up to 120 feet away. The sound is not loud enough to cause any harm or distraction, but can be used for simple communication or signaling. Once used, the amulet regains its charge at dusk.


Crafted by a gnome bard who wanted to stay connected with their bandmates during performances.

Amulets and Talismans

Chaosbrand, the Dagger of Nullification



50,000-100,000 pp


A a dagger of iridescent hues, crafted from a single shard of obsidian and infused with marbled streaks that twist around its form like a bolt of lightning. Its hilt is wrapped in a chaotic tapestry of colors that shift and pulse with an inner light. The blade itself is jagged and spiked, reminiscent of a lightning bolt captured at the moment of striking. It emits an aura so potent that it seems to warp the air around it, exuding an almost palpable sense of malevolence.

Spell Sunder: When a spell is cast or active within 30 feet of the attuned wielder, they can use their reaction to attempt to nullify the spell. The wielder rolls a d20; on any roll other than a 1, the spell is dispelled.

Magical Destruction: When the dagger strikes any creature made out of pure magic (e.g., an Elemental) or a divine being, the creature and its essence are both destroyed. This ability extends to the destruction of any magical item or artifact, turning it into pure chaos and absorbing its essence.

Malevolent Presence: The dagger radiates an aura of chaos. Creatures within 10 feet of the wielder must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by confusion (as per the spell) for 1 minute or until the weapon is sheathed.

This weapon has two curses that affect any attuned creature and can't be removed except by the conditions specified in this item.

Curse of Unraveling Realms:
The Chaosbrand harbors the essence of primordial chaos, exerting it upon reality and the wielder. Each utilization of the dagger's power to nullify magic or slay beings of magical essence subtly distorts reality around the wielder. Initially, these distortions are barely noticeable: shadows whisper secrets, reflections show not what they should, and the laws of physics falter momentarily. As the wielder continues to use Chaosbrand, these effects intensify. Time may loop or stretch, familiar places might shift layout, and creatures from parallel realities could bleed into the wielder's world, creating pandemonium.

Entities of magic vanquished by the Chaosbrand feed its burgeoning aura of pandemonium. This emanation beguiles both the wielder and their allies, imbuing them with a deceptive aura of omnipotence and an insatiable desire for continued disorder. As it assimilates the powers, resistances, or unique abilities of the consumed magical beings, the dagger subtly bestows fragments of these traits upon its bearer and their companions, seducing them deeper into the spiral of chaos.

Curse of the Twisted Mind:
The dagger's chaotic influence insidiously erodes the wielder's psyche. Over time, their alignment shifts towards chaos, transforming their personality into something unrecognizable. Rational thoughts give way to whims and caprices, estranging friends and allies as the wielder's decisions become increasingly erratic and unreasonable. In extreme cases, the wielder may develop multiple, conflicting personalities, each vying for control and pushing the wielder towards actions that serve the dagger's desire for chaos.

The only way to unattune from this item and its curses is to achieve a feat as monumental as the curse itself: to directly destroy an angel with the dagger. Destroying an Angel will unattune the dagger and make it reappear at a random location in a random plane. The effect of the items curses will slowly fade away during 3 year after which the wielder is mostly like before.


In the ageless times before the world was fully formed, the gods convened to impart structure upon the chaos that swirled in the void. They crafted realms governed by laws, defining the very essence of order and creation. Yet, in doing so, they had to extract the raw, untempered essence of chaos that resisted their designs.

This pure chaos, wild and untamed, could not be destroyed or ignored; it was a fundamental force, as necessary as order itself. The gods contained this primordial anarchy within an artifact, a dagger forged from the heart of chaos.

The Chaosbrand was hidden away, locked in the deepest vaults of the gods' domain, where it was meant to remain for eternity. However, nothing is beyond the reach of ambition and deceit. An arcanist, known only in whispers as the "Twilight Reaver," sought the ultimate power of unmaking. He orchestrated a heist of divine proportions, stealing into the gods' domain and absconding with the dagger.

The theft unleashed an era of turmoil, as the arcanist wielded the dagger to rewrite spells and nullify the magics that held empires together. Kingdoms fell, and the natural order of things wavered in his wake.

The gods, reluctant to descend upon the mortal planes directly, have no way of locating the dagger because of its dense chaotic nature that escapes even their combined grasp.


Ring of Nine Lives

Very Rare


50,000-100,000 gp


Forged from the depths of shadow and light, this ring is a masterpiece of magical craftsmanship, intertwining obsidian and marble in a seamless dance. Its band depicts two cats, one as dark as the void and the other as white as dawn, locked in an eternal embrace. Despite its solid construction, the intertwined cat heads on the ring possess a surprising lifelike quality. As the wearer moves or gestures, these miniature sculptures seem to snuggle closer to the finger, providing a comforting, almost purring sensation against the skin, as if seeking affection in the warmth of their human companion.


Critical Protection: This ring comes with 9 charges. When the wearer would suffer a critical hit, the ring magically negates the critical effect, turning the hit into a regular one. This use consumes one charge. If the hit is from a non-critical source that would cause the wearer to drop to 0 hit points, it instead leaves them at 1 hit point, also consuming a charge.

Final Gift: Upon the expenditure of the last charge, the ring's magic reaches its climax. The obsidian and marble crumble to dust, forever closing the chapter of its nine lives. The ring is destroyed, gifting the wearer with advantage on all saving throws for the next 24 hours as the lingering magic fights to protect its former bearer one last time.


Created by a wizard with a profound love for his wife and cats, the Ring of Nine Lives was the culmination of years of devoted research. It was intended to be a gift of protection, a symbol of his desire to safeguard his beloved from any harm. The ring's magic was to grant her the proverbial nine lives of a cat, allowing her to escape death's grasp. Tragically, she passed away a day before the ring's completion, leaving the ring's magic untested and its creator heartbroken.


Cloak of the Phoenix's Embrace



50,000+ gp


A majestic cloak made of shimmering feathers that seem to emit a warm, golden light. The cloak is adorned with symbols of flames and the mythic bird, the Phoenix.

While wearing and attuned to this cloak, you gain the following properties:

Resistance to Fire: While wearing this cloak, you gain resistance to fire damage.
Gift of Flight: Your flying speed is doubled compared to your walking speed, and you can hover, showcasing the Phoenix's dominion of the skies.
Phoenix Rebirth: Once per week, if you are reduced to 0 hit points, you instead regain half your maximum hit points and all conditions affecting you are removed. This miraculous recovery triggers a burst of fiery energy that deals 4d6 fire damage to all enemies within 20 feet.
Flames of the Phoenix: Once per day, you can activate the cloak to envelope yourself in protective flames for 1 minute, granting immunity to fire damage. Any creature that hits you with a melee attack during this time takes 3d6 fire damage.


Forged in the heart of a blazing inferno where a Phoenix made its nest, this cloak is said to embody rebirth and renewal.


Ember Phoenix Gem



500 gp


A fiery gem that flickers with the colors of a blazing phoenix.

The gem has 3 charges. As an action, a charge can be used to shroud the attuned in flames, granting resistance to fire damage for 1 hour. The gem regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Final Embrace: In a true moment of peril, when the attuned wearer fails their last death save, the gem shatters in a brilliant explosion of light and warmth. The wearer is immediately stabilized, preventing death, but the gem is irrevocably destroyed in the process.


Crafted by an ancient sect that worshipped the Phoenix, these gems were used to harness the protective power of the mystical bird.

Gems and Jewelry

Phoenix's Grimoire

Very Rare


10,000-15,000 gp


Requires 2 Attunement slots.
This spellbook is bound in fiery red leather, adorned with intricate engravings of flames and feathers. The pages within flicker with a warm, orange glow.

This spellbook contains a collection of spells focused on fire and resurrection magic, reflecting the rebirth of a phoenix. Upon reaching 0 hit points, the wielder can immediately resurrect at half their maximum hit points, surrounded by flames that damage enemies within 10 feet for 6d6 fire damage. The book then needs to recharge by absorbing 100 fire damage, such as from a fire elemental or a powerful fire spell.

This spellbook is imbued with the essence of fire, containing spells that embody or can be infused with a fiery theme. Each spell listed can be directly cast by a attuned Wizard from the book itself, using appropritate spell slots; however, these spells cannot be copied into another spellbook or learned in a traditional manner. The spells are as follows, sorted by spell level:

Level 1: Burning Hands, Absorb Elements (Limited to fire damage)
Level 2: Continual Flame, Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Heat Metal
Level 3: Fireball, Revivify, Spirit Guardians, Ashardalon's Stride, Elemental Weapon (Limited to fire), Melf's Minute Meteors
Level 4: Fire Shield, Wall of Fire, Fire Trap (a variation of Glyph of Warding with fire damage)
Level 5: Flame Strike, Raise Dead, Immolation
Level 6: Create Undead, Sunbeam, Conjure Elemental (Limited to fire elementals)
Level 7: Fire Storm, Resurrection, Delayed Blast Fireball
Level 8: Incendiary Cloud, Sunburst


Carried by an ancient sorcerer who sought to harness the power of the phoenix, the grimoire holds the secrets of rebirth through fire.


Luminous Grains



250-500 gp


A small pouch filled with glowing grains that emit a soft light.

While holding this pouch, you can use an action to sprinkle the grains on the ground, creating a 10-foot radius of blinding bright light for 1 hour. Ranged attack have disadvantage against creatures in the circle. Once used, the grains recharge at dawn.


Crafted by an ancient order of monks who worshiped the sun deity, these grains were said to bring light in the darkest of times.

Rations and Provisions

Ring of Luminous Protection



2,500 gp


This ring is made of pure gold with a radiant sunstone set in the center. When worn, it emits a soft, warm light that illuminates the area around the wearer.

While wearing this ring, you have resistance to radiant damage. Additionally, as a bonus action, you can expend a charge from the ring to cast the Scorching Ray spell creating rays of sunglight instead of fire that deal radiant damage. Without needing material components. The ring has 5 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges when its laying in sunlight for at least 1 hour daily at dawn.


Forged by a group of priestly scholars devoted to the god of light, this ring was created to protect its wearer from the darkness that threatened their temple.


Luminary Blade



5,000-10,000 gp


A slender longsword that shines with a brilliant white light, emanating a soft glow that illuminates a 10-foot radius around it.

This weapon has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and cast a modified Light spell that emitts sunlight. The blade regains all expended charges daily at dawn.


Forged in the heart of a star by ancient celestial beings, the Luminary Blade was gifted to a virtuous knight to bring hope and dispel darkness for generations to come.


Tideguard's Bracers



50-100 gp


These simple leather bracers are adorned with small seashells and glisten with a faint blue hue.

While wearing these bracers, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to swim in turbulent water. Once per long rest, you can expend a bonus action to create a small bubble of air around your head, allowing you to breathe underwater for 8 hours.


Crafted by merfolk artisans to help surface-dwellers navigate the treacherous currents of the sea.


Amber Pendant of Healing



50-100 gp


A simple amber pendant hanging from a thin gold chain.

While wearing this pendant, you can use your action to touch a creature and restore 1 hit point to it, up to a maximum of 3 times per day. The pendant regains all expended uses at dawn.


Crafted by a group of clerics dedicated to healing in times of war.

Gems and Jewelry

Mace of Healing



50 gp


This simple mace has a wooden handle and a head adorned with a single glowing gem.

This mace has 3 charges. As a bonus action, the wielder can expend 1 charge to cast Cure Wounds at 1st level on a creature within 5 feet of them. The mace regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.


Forged by a tribe of healers to aid in their daily rituals.


Blasphemous Gaze Helmet



500 gp


A black helmet with intricate silver engravings depicting twisted faces and screaming skulls

While wearing this helmet, you can use an action to project a necrotic energy gaze at a creature you can see within 30 feet. The target must make a DC 13 + PB Constitution saving throw, taking PBd6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once used, this feature can't be used again until you finish a short or long rest.


Forged in the depths of a long-forgotten tomb by a malevolent sorcerer seeking to dominate the minds of his enemies

Helmets and Shields

Scepter of Maleficence



500-1,000 gp


A black obsidian scepter with intricate necrotic runes etched along its length, emanating a faint aura of decay.

While holding this scepter, you can cast the Chill Touch cantrip at will. Additionally, when you deal necrotic damage to a creature, you can choose to gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt.


Forged by a dark sorcerer seeking eternal power, the Scepter of Maleficence has passed through the hands of many malevolent individuals.

Tools and Kits

Shadowcloak Band



300-500 gp


A black leather band with an obsidian gem at its center, emitting a faint dark aura.

While wearing this band, you can use an action to cast the False Life spell (1st level) without expending a spell slot. Once used, this property can't be used again until the next dawn.


Crafted by a secretive group of necromancers, the Shadowcloak Band was designed to enhance the wearer's vitality through necrotic energies.

Mundane Items

Venomous Blade



1,500-2,500 gp


A sleek black blade with intricate engravings of snakes along the edge, shimmering with a faint green aura.

This weapon deals an additional 1d6 poison damage on a successful hit. Once per day, the wielder can unleash a burst of poisonous energy, forcing the target to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. The poison can be resisted by creatures immune to poison damage.


Forged by a secretive assassin's guild, the Venomous Blade was used in high-stakes political assassinations throughout the land.


Stoneguard's Helm



500 gp


A sturdy helmet carved from smooth stone, adorned with intricate earth-themed engravings. It exudes an aura of resilience and stability.

While wearing this helm, you have resistance to damage from non-magical piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning attacks. Additionally, as a bonus action, you can activate the helm to create a protective Earth Shield. The shield has hit points equal to your level + your Constitution modifier. When the shield is active, you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and your movement speed is reduced by 10 feet. The shield remains active for 1 minute or until it is depleted. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


Forged by ancient earth mages to protect their warriors in battles against elemental creatures from the Plane of Earth.

Helmets and Shields

The Stoneheart Amulet



750 gp


The Stoneheart amulet is made of polished granite and is in the shape of a heart. Small crests and cracks run through the stone, giving it an ancient appearance.

While wearing the Stoneheart Amulet, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. Additionally, as a bonus action, you can extend your arms in front of you and speak the command word inscribed on the amulet to cause rocky protrusions to emerge from the ground, creating a temporary cover. This forms a wall with a length of 10 feet, a height of 5 feet, and a thickness of 1 foot. The wall lasts for 1 minute or until you use a bonus action to dismiss it. The wall provides three-quarters cover to anyone behind it, including yourself.


Forged by a powerful earth elemental in ancient times, the Stoneheart Amulet was created to provide protection in the most treacherous of environments. It was once wielded by a renowned dwarven warrior who used its powers to bravely defend their homeland.

Amulets and Talismans

Stoneheart Armor



500-1,000 gp


Stoneheart Armor is a set of heavy armor made from enchanted rock and earth elements. The chest plate and shoulder guards are adorned with intricate carvings of swirling patterns resembling the veins of the earth. The gauntlets and boots are adorned with jagged spikes, seemingly carved from solid stone.

While wearing this armor, you have resistance to acid damage and have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to resist being moved or knocked prone. Additionally, once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can cause the ground around you to become difficult terrain in a 10-foot radius until the start of your next turn. While the difficult terrain is in effect, any creature that starts its turn in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage as stones and rocks rise from the ground.


Forged by the ancient Earth Giants of the Molten Spire, the Stoneheart Armor was crafted to protect their kin from the fiery threats within the volcano. Legends say that their armor amplified their connection to the earth, granting them incredible resilience and control over their surroundings.


Raging Bolt



25-50 gp


Raging Bolt is a bundle of specially crafted arrows, each made from sturdy wood and tipped with a small trinket in the shape of a roaring bear head.

Raging Bolt is a quiver that contains 10 arrows. Once per day, when you make a ranged attack with an arrow from this quiver, you can choose to infuse the arrow with the primal energy of a barbarian's rage. On a hit, the target takes an additional 1d4 psychic damage. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until the target completes a long rest, whichever comes first. After the 1-minute duration ends or after a hit with the infused arrow, the trinket loses its magic until the next dawn.


Crafted by a tribe of barbarians to give them an edge in battle, Raging Bolts are believed to be the embodiment of their wild and fierce spirit.


Amulet of Savage Fury



1,000-2,000 gp


A small, intricately carved amulet depicting a roaring bear surrounded by flames.

While wearing this amulet, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls with melee weapons. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can choose to activate the amulet's Fury surge. When you do so, roll 6d6 and add the result to the damage of that critical hit. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


Forged deep within the mountains by a fearsome barbarian tribe known as the Flamebearers.

Amulets and Talismans

Berserker's Wrath

Very Rare


5,001-50,000 gp


Berserker's Wrath is a battle-worn greataxe with a jagged blade and a bloodstained hilt. The axe emits a faint red glow, symbolizing the relentless fury of the barbarian.

While raging, whenever you score a critical hit with Berserker's Wrath, the axe pulses with wild energy, showing the fearsome might of your power. The next time you deal damage with a melee attack, you gain an additional amount of damage equal to twice your barbarian level. Once this effect is used, it cannot be used again until the axe has been bathed in fresh blood. To recharge the axe's power, you must kill a creature with a CR equal to your level or higher.


Forged by a legendary blacksmith for the bloodiest of barbarians, Berserker's Wrath has claimed the lives of countless enemies in its violent existence, earning fame among the barbarian tribes.

Tools and Kits

History Spectacles



50-100 gp


A pair of simple spectacles with golden rims and small, etched runes on the lenses.

While wearing these spectacles, you can cast the Detect Magic spell at will, without expending a spell slot. However, the spectacles need to be focused on a specific object or area for 1 minute to detect any trace of magic. Once used, this property can't be used again until the next dawn.


Once owned by a renowned treasure hunter, these spectacles were used to identify magical items during daring quests.

Mundane Items

Solara's Lexicon



5,000 gp


Solara's Lexicon is a large leather-bound book with intricate gold detailing on the covers. The pages are made of aged parchment, filled with beautiful calligraphy and ancient illustrations.

This powerful tome contains a comprehensive collection of knowledge about the lore and histories of the world. While attuned to it, the reader gains expertise in Intelligence (History) checks and can understand and speak any language for the duration. Additionally, the reader can cast the Identify spell without consuming a spell slot, once per day. The Lexicon regains the ability to cast Identify after every long rest.


Solara, an ancient scholar and sage, wrote and compiled this tome over many years, seeking to preserve the vast knowledge of the world for future generations.

Mundane Items

Scroll of Bountiful Lore



250-500 gp


This scroll is made of ancient parchment inscribed with various symbols and sigils of knowledge. It emanates a faint ethereal glow.

When this scroll is attached to any ammunition, it enhances the damage dealt by the ammunition upon hitting the target. When the attached ammunition hits a creature, it deals an additional 2d4 damage of the same type as the ammunition (e.g., piercing, slashing, etc.). This damage is considered magical. The scroll disintegrates after use.


Crafted by a powerful archivist, the Scroll of Bountiful Lore was created to aid adventurers in their pursuit of knowledge and justice.


Staff of Animated Constructs



500-1,000 gp


This intricately carved wooden staff is adorned with metallic accents and runic symbols. The top of the staff features a small, animated construct replica of a golem.

While holding this staff, you can use your action to expend 1 charge and cast the spell 'Animate Objects' without expending a spell slot. When casting 'Animate Objects' using the staff, the Constructs created have an additional 5 temporary hit points. The staff has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn.


Crafted by a renowned artificer named Mordrix, this staff was his attempt to push the boundaries of construct manipulation.


Clockwork Bolt



10-20 gp


A small metal bolt, intricately crafted with gears and cogs that create a ticking sound when in motion.

When this ammunition is fired from a ranged weapon, it emits a faint ticking sound. On a hit, the target takes normal damage, and at the start of each subsequent turn, they must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on their next attack roll or saving throw before the end of their next turn. A creature that is immune to poison damage is immune to this effect.


These clockwork bolts were invented by a mad artificer, who infused his love for intricate machinery into his weapons.


Glimmering Blade of Serenity

Very Rare

5,000-10,000 gp


The Glimmering Blade of Serenity is a delicate, slender longsword with an ethereal glow that gently illuminates the surroundings. Its hilt is engraved with intricate patterns, and the blade appears to be made out of pure moonlight.

The Glimmering Blade of Serenity is a +2 magical longsword. When it hits a target, it emanates a radiant burst of light, dealing an additional 2d6 radiant damage. Once per long rest, the wielder can speak a command phrase to activate the blade's Serenity Burst ability. This ability allows the next strike made with the sword to cleave through any defensive magic or shielding effects, ignoring them entirely. The resistance to this ability is at the discretion of the DM. Additionally, while attuned to the Glimmering Blade of Serenity, the wielder gains advantage on Charisma saving throws against being magically charmed or frightened.


This blade was forged by an ancient celestial blacksmith as a gift to a warrior chosen by the gods. It is said that only those who embody serenity and honor are granted the privilege to wield this divine weapon.


Elixir of Elemental Resistance


500-1000 gp


A small glass vial filled with a glowing liquid that shimmers with an elemental essence.

When you drink this elixir, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. For the next hour, you have resistance to that damage type. Additionally, if you are subjected to an effect that deals damage of your chosen type, you can use your reaction to gain resistance to that specific instance of damage instead for the remaining duration.


Crafted by a renowned alchemist known as Garad the Protector who sought to combat the dangerous natural elements during his travels.


Shadow Bolts

Very Rare


5,000-10,000 gp


A set of ten sleek obsidian arrowheads, each engraved with intricate runes that seem to emit a faint blue glow.

As an action, you can attune one of these arrowheads to a ranged weapon. When you make an attack with that weapon, you can choose to fire a Shadow Bolt instead. The bolt has a range of 120 feet and deals an additional 4d8 necrotic damage on a hit. Once a Shadow Bolt is fired, make a d20 roll. On a roll of 2 or lower, the arrowhead becomes inert and can no longer be used. At dawn, there is a 50% chance that the inert arrowhead regains its magical properties.


These arrowheads were crafted by a mysterious archer called Reyla, who was known for their shadowy brilliance and unmatched accuracy.


Whispering Arrow



20-50 gp


This arrow has a slightly translucent shaft with ethereal, glowing runes engraved on it. The arrowhead is made of shimmering silver.

When fired, the Whispering Arrow emits a faint, ethereal whisper that can only be heard by the person who fired it. The whisper reveals the direction and distance to the nearest creature within 120 feet of the arrow. Once the whisper has been heard, the arrow becomes mundane and loses its magical properties.
Recharge: The Whispering Arrow recharges its magical whisper after it has been retrieved by the person who fired it and they have taken a short rest.


Crafted by a secretive order of hunters, the Whispering Arrows were designed to offer an advantage when tracking elusive prey through dense forests. The order's members, known only as the Whisperers, were proficient archers and relied on the arrows' magical whispers to ensure a successful hunt.


Ethereal Cloak



500-1,000 gp


The Ethereal Cloak is a flowing garment made of semi-transparent ethereal fabric that seems to shift and change in color and texture.

While wearing this cloak, you can use an action to enter the Ethereal Plane until the end of your next turn. Once used, this ability can't be used again until you finish a short or long rest.


This cloak was woven from rare ethereal threads found in a lost realm by a reclusive band of wizards.

Wondrous Item

Ethereal Seeker



500-1,000 gp


The Ethereal Seeker is a longbow made of a translucent, ethereal material. It resembles a solid yet slightly shimmering apparition.

The Ethereal Seeker grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Additionally, when its wielder scores a critical hit with this weapon, the target must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become ethereal until the end of their next turn. While in this state, the target has resistance to all damage except force damage.


Crafted by the elven mage Aelar Eaerenthel during his studies of the ethereal plane, the Ethereal Seeker was made as a tool to aid in his comprehension of the ethereal realm.


Ethereal Essence



50-100 gp


A small vial filled with a faintly shimmering, translucent liquid.

When you drink this potion, you gain a temporary ethereal form for 1 minute. While in this form, you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object. In addition, you have resistance to all damage except force damage. This potion is colorless and odorless.


Crafted by a group of ethereal travelers.


Gloomstone Shard


Ethereal Plane

50,000-100,000 gp


The Gloomstone Shard is a small, obsidian-like crystal that emanates a faint ethereal glow.

While attuned to the Gloomstone Shard, you gain several abilities:

Ethereal Awareness: You can see and hear into the Ethereal Plane up to a range of 60 feet as if it was the Material Plane. You also have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to detect creatures or objects on the Ethereal Plane.

Ethereal Step: As an action, you can enter the Ethereal Plane, gaining the ability to move through objects and creatures on the Material Plane as if they were difficult terrain. While in the Ethereal Plane, you are invisible to creatures on the Material Plane, and they are invisible to you. You can remain in the Ethereal Plane for up to 1 hour, but you must end the effect early by using a bonus action on your turn.

Once you have used the Ethereal Step feature, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.


Legend tells that the Gloomstone Shard was forged from the heart of an ancient ethereal monster known as the Abysswarden. It was crafted by a powerful and secretive order of arcane scholars who sought to understand the mysteries of the Ethereal Plane. The shard was imbued with potent magic, allowing its wielder to glimpse into the ethereal veil and traverse between planes.

Monster Part

Ethereal Elixir


Ethereal Plane

300 - 500 gp


The Ethereal Elixir is a small vial made of iridescent glass, filled with a shimmering violet liquid that seems to swirl and shift like smoke.

When you drink this elixir, your body becomes partially incorporeal for a short duration. For the next hour, you can move through solid objects, creatures, and barriers up to 5 feet thick as if they were difficult terrain. You must end your turn outside of objects and barriers. While incorporeal, you have resistance to all damage except force damage. If you end your turn inside an object or barrier, you take force damage equal to your level + your spellcasting ability modifier. The elixir's effect ends early if you use an action to dismiss it or if you are incapacitated.


Created by the ethereal essence of a long-lost elven civilization, the Ethereal Elixir was used by their shamans to traverse the Ethereal Plane in search of wisdom and guidance.

Magical Consumables

Slow Brew Tonic



500 gp


This small vial contains a viscous blue liquid with tiny bubbles slowly rising to the surface. When you consume this tonic as an action, you gain the benefits of the Slow spell for 1 minute. During that time, your speed is halved, you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you can't use reactions. On your turn, you can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. Additionally, you can't make more than one melee or ranged attack during your turn.


No history available

Magical Consumables

Rod of Lingering Time



550 gp


This rod is made of polished silver with intricate engravings of clocks and hourglasses. It has a small knob on one end that can be twisted to activate its power.

While holding the rod, you can use an action to activate it, causing time to slow down around you. When activated, all creatures within a 30-foot radius must make a Wisdom saving throw or have their movement speed reduced to half for 1 minute. The rod regains its uses at dusk.


Crafted by a reclusive chronomancer, this rod was used to control time to benefit the caster in various situations, whether during battles or discretely influencing events.


Breath of Mortality



50,000-100,000 gp


A beautifully crafted ivory staff with intricate carvings of time symbols and a quartz crystal on top.

While attuned to this staff, you gain the following benefits:
- You can cast the spell Slow (DC 20) without using a spell slot or requiring any material components. Once you use this property, you cannot use it again until the next dawn.
- As an action, you can target a creature within 60 feet of you and force them to make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's speed is halved, they take 6d6 necrotic damage, and they must roll a d20. On an even roll, their spellcasting and teleportation abilities are negated until the end of their next turn. Once you use this property, you cannot use it again until the next dawn.
- When you use this staff to cast a spell that affects other creatures, you can choose one additional creature within range to be unaffected by the spell.


This powerful artifact was created by Archmage Octavia the Time Weaver during the Age of Legends. Octavia was obsessed with harnessing and controlling time itself, and after years of experimentation, she forged the Breath of Mortality. It is said that the staff contains a shard of a fallen star, which grants it its time-bending abilities. Octavia used the staff to maintain order and uphold the balance of power, until one day she mysteriously disappeared, leaving the Breath of Mortality behind.


Heart of the Colossus



40,000-60,000 gp


The Heart of the Colossus is an enormous, plate-like piece of armor shaped like the chest of a giant. It is made of an unknown, shimmering metal that appears to be a fusion of bronze and stone. Carved on its surface are intricate runes that pulse with a faint blue light.

While wearing the Heart of the Colossus, you gain the following benefits:
- Your size is considered one size larger for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
- You gain resistance to slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage.
- Once per day, when you take damage from a creature within 20 feet of you, you can use your reaction to emanate an aura of gravitational force. Each creature of your choice within 20 feet of you, other than you or the triggering creature, must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be pulled 10 feet directly toward you and knocked prone. On a successful saving throw, the creature is pushed 5 feet away from you and isn't knocked prone. Once you use this reaction, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


The Heart of the Colossus was crafted by a powerful giant artisan named Morokartusinga, who sought to preserve the power and essence of the giants in a single artifact. It is said that the Heart was forged in the depths of an active volcano that emerged from the earth when Morokartusinga infused the dormant magic within it. The completion of this grand endeavor marked the greatest achievement in the giant's life — the culmination of centuries of mastery in the art of metalwork. With the aid of the Heart, the giants were able to reign supreme over their realm for countless generations, establishing a legacy that is still remembered by present-day giants.


Giant's Will



50,000 gp


Giant's Will is a massive, ornate rock-like pendant, seemingly crafted from petrified giant's bone. It glows with a faint, ethereal light, and giant runes can be seen spiraling around its surface.

While wearing this pendant, you gain advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. In addition, you have resistance to all non-magical damage. Once per short rest, as an action, you can unleash a shockwave of giant energy. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and take 8d10 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

You can use an action to hurl a huge rock that is nearby up to three times a day.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (4d12 + 9) bludgeoning damage.


Forged by the famed giant-smith Gromrok, who sought to amplify his already considerable strength. The pendant was crafted using the petrified remains of an ancient cloud giant king, infused with the primal magic of the elemental planes. It is said that when Gromrok wore this pendant, he could rival the giants in strength.

Mundane Items

Rod of the Giant's Strength



100-500 gp


This rod is made of a single piece of solid oak and is 2 feet in length. It is adorned with markings reminiscent of giant scripts and has a small, carved stone at the tip in the shape of a clenched fist.

While holding this rod, which has 3 charges, you can use an action to expend one charge to gain the effects of the Enlarge/Reduce spell (without the ability to reduce) for 1 minute. The rod regains all expended charges daily at dawn.


Forged by a renowned mage who had studied and interacted with giants extensively, this rod was crafted to provide normal-sized creatures a taste of the strength of giants.


Luminous Radiance



300,000-400,000 gp


Luminous Radiance is an exquisite piece of jewelry, adorned with a collection of radiant gems in various shapes and sizes. The gems emit a soft, captivating glow, illuminating the area around the wearer with a gentle radiance.

While wearing and attuned to this artifact, the wearer gains the following benefits:

Eternal Glow: The Luminous Radiance bathes its surroundings in a perpetual, soothing light. This light can be dimmed or brightened at the wielder's will and penetrates all forms of darkness, even magical darkness, up to a radius of 60 feet.

Guardian of Light: The wielder gains immunity to necrotic damage and resistance to all other damage types. Additionally, any undead creature that comes within 30 feet of Luminous Radiance must make a Wisdom saving throw or be turned for 1 minute, as if by the Turn Undead feature of a Cleric.

Radiant Beacon: Once per day, you can invoke the artifact's power to become a beacon of pure radiant energy, dealing 8d10 radiant damage to all hostile creatures within 100 feet. Allies within this range are healed for the same amount and receive a blessing that grants them advantage on all saving throws for 1 minute.

Rejuvenation of the Dawn: If the wielder falls in battle, the Luminous Radiance resurrects them with full hit points, spell slots, and removal of all conditions at the next dawn. This power can only be used once per year.

Celestial Ascension: Once per day, as an action, the wielder can invoke the full might of Luminous Radiance to undergo a transformation into a powerful angelic form for 1 minute. In this state, the wielder gains the following benefits:

- Flight: The wielder gains a flying speed of 60 feet.
Divine Strikes: Melee attacks are imbued with radiant energy, dealing an extra 2d10 radiant damage on a hit.
- Aura of Warding: Allies within 30 feet gain a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws, while enemies receive disadvantage on attack rolls against them.
- Healing Touch: The wielder can use an action to touch a creature and restore 4d8+15 hit points. This ability can be used twice during the transformation.

After using Celestial Ascension, the wielder must complete a long rest in a Temple, Church or other holy place before it can be used again.

Luminous Radiance is a sentient artifact with a Lawful Good alignment. It has an Intelligence of 18, Wisdom of 20, and Charisma of 24. It can communicate telepathically with its attuned wielder and can see and hear out to a distance of 120 feet. The artifact desires to spread light across the world, combating darkness and evil where it can.

Luminous Radiance possesses a compassionate and nurturing personality, encouraging acts of kindness, healing, and protection. It seeks a wielder who shares its values of benevolence and justice and may refuse or sever attunement with those who act with cruelty or malice.


Luminous Radiance, also known as the 'Ascendant's Embrace', was created centuries ago by a renowned archmage named Solariel. Solariel was an ardent devotee of the sun deity, crafting this artifact as a testament to the power and brilliance of light. The gems used in its creation were said to have been blessed by celestial beings and imbued with their radiant energy. Solariel wore Luminous Radiance into battle, harnessing its power to banish creatures of darkness and bring light to even the deepest shadows.

Gems and Jewelry

Luminous Crystal



300-500 gp


This translucent crystal is the size of a clenched fist, and it radiates a soft glow in various colors depending on its current charge.

This crystal has 3 charges. As a bonus action, you can expend 1 charge to shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. This light lasts for 1 hour or until you use an action to end it.

As an action, you can expend 1 charge to cast the Dancing Lights cantrip. The lights created by this ability have double the duration of the normal cantrip.

The crystal regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.


Legend tells that this crystal was formed deep within an ancient cavern full of luminescent creatures.

Wondrous Item

Ring of Dimensional Rift


Dimensional Rift

50,000+ gp


The Ring of Dimensional Rift is an ornate band made of shimmering mithril, adorned with pulsing gemstones that emit an ethereal energy. Tiny rifts in reality flicker around the ring, and when worn, the wearer feels a mysterious connection to the weave of the multiverse.

Astral Shift: While wearing the ring, you gain the ability to cast the Plane Shift spell once per day without expending a spell slot. This extraordinary ability allows you to travel to other planes of existence, regardless of your knowledge of the spell or the availability of your spell slots.

Nocturnal Portal: Under the night sky, you can harness the ring's power to create a portal to any location you have previously visited. By spending 10 minutes focusing on your desired destination, you conjure a portal that is 10 feet in height and width. This gateway remains open for 1 minute or until you choose to close it using an action. The ability


Legend speaks of an ancient sorcerer who sought to unravel the secrets of the multiverse. In her tireless pursuit of forbidden knowledge, she discovered a way to create a ring that channels the power of dimensional rifts. Used initially as a tool for exploration, the ring quickly gained a reputation for its ability to whisk the wearer away to unknown realms in dire moments of need.


Starlight Quiver



5,000-10,000 gp


The Starlight Quiver is made of polished silver and adorned with intricate celestial patterns. The arrows stored within it appear to glow with a soft, ethereal light.

The Starlight Quiver can hold up to 20 arrows.
When you hit a creature with an arrow from the Starlight Quiver, the target takes an additional 1d6 radiant damage.


Crafted by an ancient elven archer who sought to infuse the essence of starlight into their arrows.


Ring of Dimensional Rifts


Dimensional Rift

5,000-9,000 gp


This ring is made of polished silver and features intricate engravings of swirling vortexes. Glow pulses softly from the surface, giving the impression of energy being contained within.

While wearing this ring, you can use your action to create an extradimensional doorway that opens to a unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of you. The doorway is a 10-foot by 10-foot opening that appears as a swirling rift composed of chaotic energies. The rift lasts for 1 minute or until you use your action to close it.


This ring was created by a powerful wizard who sought to explore the multiverse. It is said that it was last used by an adventure seeking knowledge beyond mortal realms.


Amulet of Riftwalking


Dimensional Rift

800-1,000 gp


A small obsidian amulet with intricate silver runes inscribed on its surface.

As an action, you can use the amulet to create a dimensional rift that allows you to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. The amulet has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn.


Forged by an ancient sorcerer known for his ability to traverse between dimensions, the Amulet of Riftwalking was created to aid him in his exploration of the multiverse.

Monster Part

Ring of Slowness



100-250 gp


This silver ring is inscribed with intricate symbols of snails and turtles.

While wearing this ring, the wearer can cast the Slow spell once. Remarkably, creatures affected by this spell are not aware of their slowed state, continuing their actions as if unaffected. The wearer regains the ability to cast the spell after a long rest.


It was created by a wizard fascinated with temporal magic, aiming to subtly impede the progress of competing scholars.


Timebane Pendant



2,500 gp


The Timebane Pendant is a delicate silver chain with an hourglass-shaped pendant. Inside the pendant, golden sand slowly falls from the top to the bottom.

Slipstream of Time: When a creature within 30 feet makes an attack that would hit you, you may use your reaction to invoke the pendant's magic, slowing time and causing the attack to miss instead. This ability can be used a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down, minimum 1) between long rests.

Fragility of Time: Each use of the Slipstream of Time requires a d20 roll. On a roll of 1, the pendant gains a crack. Accumulating three cracks causes the pendant to break permanently, its temporal magic exhausted and its structure compromised beyond repair.


The Timebane Pendant was one of many created by a powerful but paranoid enchantress who sought to protect herself from the relentless onslaught of time magic.

Trophies and Trinkets

Sylthorn Potion



1,000-5,000 gp


The Sylthorn Potion is a small glass vial filled with a viscous green liquid. Floating at the center of the potion is a swirling, slow-moving mist that gives off a faint glow.

When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to poison damage for 1 hour. Additionally, any creature that hits you with a melee attack while you are under the effects of this potion must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes 4d4 poison damage and the creature's movement speed is reduced by half until the start of your next turn.


Created by an ancient alchemist who sought to find a way to slow down the effects of poison in the body, the Sylthorn Potion became a popular choice among poison-resistant adventurers.

Poison and Toxins

Forcefield Bracelet


Force Field

200-500 gp


A silver bracelet with a small gem at its center that emits a faint blue glow when triggered.

While wearing the Forcefield Bracelet, you can use a reaction to summon a protective force field around you. The force field grants you and creatures within 5 feet of you resistance to all damage types until the start of your next turn. Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again until you finish a short rest.


This bracelet was created by an ancient order of wizards who sought to protect themselves from magical threats. They designed it to be worn by their apprentices during their rigorous training sessions.

Trophies and Trinkets

Wand of Forcefield


Force Field

5,000 gp


The Wand of Forcefield is a slender copper wand, intricately engraved with swirling patterns along its length. It is topped with a small orb made of shimmering blue crystal.

This wand has 8 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge to cast the *Shield* spell as a reaction. Additionally, you can expend 5 charges to cast the *Wall of Force* spell. The wand regains 1d4 expended charges each day at dawn.


This wand was created by an ancient wizard known for their unparalleled skill in defensive magic. It was said that the wizard used this wand to protect their own fortress, which was never breached by any enemy.


Harmonious Shield


Force Field

300-500 gp


The Harmonious Shield is a small, round musical instrument made of polished ebony. It is intricately carved with musical notes and has a golden trim around its edge. It is played by slowly turning the shields face. When played, faint musical symbols appear in the air around it.

While holding this shield, you can use an action to play it, causing a protective force field to envelop you. The force field has hit points equal to half your maximum hit points and lasts for 1 minute. The force field grants you a +2 bonus to AC, and it blocks any spell or magical effect that targets you. Once the force field reaches 0 hit points, it disappears. The force field recharges when you complete a short or long rest.


Crafted by an elven bard who sought to merge music and protection, the Harmonious Shield was created as a tool for both defense and expression.

Musical Instruments

Seelie's Blade



200,000-300,000 gp


Seelie's Blade is an exquisite +2 longsword with a hilt adorned with intricate silver engravings of fey creatures. The blade itself seems to be made of shimmering iridescent material, reflecting the colors of the surrounding environment.

Radiant Strike: When you hit a creature with Seelie's Blade, you can use your bonus action to deal an additional 4d8 radiant damage to the target. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Fey Resonance: After using the Radiant Strike feature three times (not necessarily in the same combat), the blade transforms into a radiant beam of light for a brief moment, reaching towards the sky. This transformation signifies that the blade has entered a state of Fey Resonance. While in this state, the blade grants the wielder the following additional abilities until its next recharge:

Light of the Seelie: You can cast faerie fire once without expending a spell slot or action. The spell does not require concentration and lasts for its full duration.

Fey Step: You gain the ability to cast misty step once without expending a spell slot or bonus action.

Recharge: The blade's features recharge at dawn or if you amuse, please or help a fey creature.


Seelie's Blade is said to have been crafted by the Seelie Court, a powerful group of fey beings dedicated to maintaining the balance of nature. It is said that the blade was forged from the light of the summer solstice and infused with the essence of the most ancient and benevolent fey creatures.


Feywild Locket

Very Rare


3,001-5,000 gp


The Feywild Locket appears as a delicate, silver locket adorned with intricate vines, flowers, and gemstones.

While wearing and attuned to this amulet, you gain the following benefits:

Charismatic Influence: You have advantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks, your demeanor infused with the captivating presence of the Fey.

Fey Resilience: You gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, the locket serving as a bastion against attempts to assail your will.
Sylvan Tongue: You can understand and speak Sylvan, the language of the Feywild, allowing for communication with its inhabitants.

Misty Escape: Once per long rest, when you take damage, you can use your reaction to become invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. This invisibility ends at the start of your next turn. This ability embodies the elusive nature of the Fey, providing an escape in moments of peril.

Once per long rest, you can cast gust of wind without expending a spell slot. However, this is no ordinary gust; it carries the whispers of the Feywild. In addition to its normal effects, creatures caught in the wind hear soft whispers in Sylvan, which can either calm or unsettle them. Allies within the wind's path gain advantage on their next attack roll, skill check, or saving throw before the end of your next turn, inspired by the whispers. Enemies must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the start of your next turn, as the eerie voices unsettle their minds.


The Feywild Locket was crafted by an ancient elven enchantress known for her fascination with the Feywild and her strong ties to the fey creatures of the realms.

Mundane Items

Feywhisper Ring



300-500 gp


The Feywhisper Ring is a delicate silver band adorned with intricate engravings of flowers and vines. It sparkles with a faint, otherworldly aura.

Wearing the Feywhisper Ring lets you cast Misty Step without using a spell slot or bonus action. Teleport up to 30 feet to a visible, unoccupied space by visualizing the location. This requires focus but doesn't take up combat time. The ability recharges after a short rest.


Crafted long ago by the fey creatures of the Enchanted Grove, the Feywhisper Ring was traditionally bestowed upon emissaries sent to interact with other humanoid civilizations.


Mind Stealer’s Whisper



25,001-50,000 gp


Mind Stealer’s Whisper appears as an ornate silver necklace with a large, multifaceted crystal pendant. The crystal emits a gentle pulsating glow, constantly shifting in color from a dazzling white to vibrant hues that match the wearer’s emotions.

While attuned to this legendary necklace, you gain a +3 bonus to your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. In addition, you have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. As an action, you can expend a charge from Mind Stealer’s Whisper to unleash a psychic blast, targeting a creature within 60 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw or take 10d10 psychic damage and become stunned until the end of its next turn. The necklace has 3 charges and regains all expended charges at a full moon.


Mind Stealer’s Whisper is said to have been created by an ancient order of psychic warriors known as the Mindwalkers. It was crafted by their greatest member, Orlaith the Unseen, as a conduit to enhance their psychic abilities and dominate the minds of their enemies.

Trophies and Trinkets

Ring of Telepathic Bond



5,000-10,000 gp


A simple silver ring with a blue gem embedded on the front.

While wearing this ring, you can use an action to establish a telepathic bond with a creature you can see within 120 feet of you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, and on a failed save, its mind becomes connected to yours for 1 hour. If the creature succeeds on the saving throw, it is aware of your attempt. While the bond is active, you can communicate telepathically with the creature as long as you are on the same plane of existence. The connection ends when you want or when either creature is unconscious.


The Ring of Telepathic Bond was crafted by the reclusive mage Lestra Moradin. Lestra was fascinated by the ability to communicate through thought alone and poured years of research and experimentation into the creation of this ring.


Psychic Crystal Staff



1500 gp


A finely-carved staff made of smooth crystal with swirling patterns of purple hues. At its tip is a large faceted gem that glows with a soft, otherworldly light.

Equipped with 5 charges, bearers of this staff may, as an action, expend one charge to unleash a unique variant of the 'Raulothim's Psychic Lance' spell. Although this version does not incapacitate the target upon a failed save, it features an explosive effect: each die roll of 6 on the spell's damage triggers an additional roll of 1d6 for extra damage. Even if the target successfully saves, they still suffer half damage.

This ability is available for use once per short rest, the staff replenishes 1 charge per hour while residing in any library.


This crystal staff was created by an ancient order of psychic wizards who sought to increase their mental powers. The process involved infusing different types of gemstones with mystical energies, resulting in this unique staff.


Luminescent Amulet



500-1,000 gp


The Luminescent Amulet is a small, silver pendant in the shape of a radiant sun, with a translucent crystal at its center that emits a warm, gentle glow.

While wearing the Luminescent Amulet, you have advantage on saving throws against being blinded. Additionally, once per long rest, you can command the amulet to emit a bright light in a 30-foot radius for 1 minute. During this time, any creature that ends its turn within the radius of the light must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn. This feature can also be used to dispel magical darkness of 3rd level or lower, as if casting the Dispel Magic spell with a DC of 13.


The Luminescent Amulet was crafted by devout clerics of a sun deity, who sought to harness the power of light for protection against the forces of darkness.

Holy Symbols and Relics

Gloaming Saddle



200-500 gp


The Gloaming Saddle is a finely crafted leather saddle with intricate luminescent patterns adorning its surface. When in use, the patterns react and adapt to the presence of other magical effects, glowing brighter or dimming accordingly.

While mounted on a creature wearing the Gloaming Saddle, you have advantage on Survival checks made to track creatures. Additionally, as an action, you can speak the command word and cause the saddle to release a burst of radiant energy, shedding bright sun light in a 30-foot radius for 1 minute. Once this ability is used, it can't be used again until you complete a long rest.


Forged by the elven artisans of the Moonlight Vale, the Gloaming Saddle was originally created to aid rangers and scouts in their nocturnal endeavors, allowing for easier travel and tracking under darkened skies.

Mounts and Vehicles

Luminous Veil of Radiance



50,000-100,000 gp


The Luminous Veil of Radiance is an ethereal, flowing cloak made of pure radiant energy. It shimmers with vibrant hues of warm light, casting a gentle glow on its surroundings.

While wearing the Luminous Veil of Radiance, you gain an array of benefits. You emit bright sun light in a 60-foot radius and a dim light for an additional 60 feet. Creatures within the bright light suffer disadvantage on attack rolls against you. Spells and harmful effects that target you have their saving throw DC decreased by 2. Additionally, you have resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, advantage on saving throws against being blinded, and you can use an action to blind all creatures within 15 feet of you for 1 minute. This ability recharges after a long rest.


According to ancient legends, the Luminous Veil of Radiance was crafted by the Radiant Enclave, a group of celestial beings dedicated to the preservation of light and truth. They created the cloak to bestow it upon a chosen mortal who would act as their champion in the mortal realms. Over the years, the cloak has been passed down from one heroic figure to another, its radiant power growing stronger with each owner.

Mundane Items




500 gp


The Shadowwand is a slender obsidian black wand, about a foot long, with a rounded crystal embedded at its tip. It emanates a faint aura of darkness and feels cool to the touch.
While holding the Shadowwand, you can use an action to conjure a beam of shadow that streaks toward a target within 60 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 necrotic damage and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn. The wand regains expended charges as per the following recharge mechanic:

The wand has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dusk. When the last charge is expended, roll a d20 at dusk. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.


Crafted by the renowned sorcerer Kaldric the Shadowmancer, a master of illusions and dark arts.


Umbral Wand



2,500 gp


The Umbral Wand appears to be constructed from solid obsidian, with intricate carvings of arcane symbols glinting faintly. Its slender design tapers to a sharpened tip, resembling a needle. Surrounding the grip is a tightly wound leather fabric that exudes a shadowy aura, almost like a soft black mist over the wand.

Shadow Cloak: The wielder can use the wand to cast Invisibility once per day without expending a spell slot. While invisible, the wielder's movements are completely silent, enhancing their stealth capabilities.

Shadow Step: In conditions of dim light or darkness, the wielder can use the wand to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that they can see and is also in dim light or darkness. You can use this ability up to PB amount of times per day.


This wand was crafted by a renowned illusionist who sought to harness the pure essence of shadows to enhance their illusions and manipulations. It was rumored to have the ability to extend the reach of the caster's commands and subtly influence the mind.


Shadowfell Scales

Very Rare


10,000-20,000 gp


Shadowfell Scales is a set of sleek black armor made from the scales of a shadow dragon. It emits a faint purplish glow, and when exposed to darkness, it seems to absorb the surrounding shadows.

While wearing this armor, you gain the following benefits:
- You have resistance to necrotic damage.
- You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made when you are in dim light or darkness.
- As an action, you can transform yourself into a shadowy form for one hour. While in this form, you have resistance to all damage except radiant damage, and you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You can end this form as a bonus action. Once used, this ability can't be used again until the next new moon.


Forged by an ancient order of shadow-walkers, these scales were gifted to a group of elite warriors who excelled in covert operations.


Vial of the Valiant



40,000-50,000 gp


The Vial of the Valiant is a beautifully crafted, ornate glass vial with golden filigree embellishments. It is stoppered with a cork sealed with sealing wax imbued with the symbol of a radiant sun, emitting a soft golden glow from within the vial.
This potion bestows divine power upon the imbiber, enhancing their combat prowess and bolstering their defenses. When consumed, the drinker gains a +2 bonus to their AC and all saving throws for 10 minutes. In addition, they gain advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws made against spells or effects originating from evil entities.
The vial will be refilled after being in direct sunlight or standing on sacred ground for a week.


Legend speaks of a brave paladin named Sir Galan who vanquished a powerful lich, severing their undead reign of terror. In gratitude, the gods themselves blessed Galan's valiant efforts and granted him this vial as a token of their favor. Its power radiates with the holy essence emanating from the hero's unwavering dedication to good and righteousness.


Shield of Radiant Protection



500-1,000 gp


This medium-sized shield is crafted from polished steel and adorned with intricate golden engravings of paladin symbols. Its surface emits a soft glow and cracks with miniature arcs of lightning at random intervals.
While wielding this shield, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. Additionally, as a reaction when you or a creature within 30 feet of you takes radiant or necrotic damage, you can use your reaction to grant the creature resistance to that damage type until the end of its next turn. Once this reaction is used, it can't be used again until the shield regains charges.


Forged by a nameless paladin to defend a village against hordes of undead creatures. The shield became a symbol of hope and protection, inspiring the villagers to stand alongside their defenders.

Helmets and Shields

Radiant Aegis



3,001-5,000 gp


Radiant Aegis is a silver-plated shield adorned with intricate golden engravings of celestial beings. Its surface constantly emits a soft, warm glow as though illuminated by sunlight.
While holding this shield, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. Additionally, as a bonus action, you can speak the command word and the shield becomes engulfed in radiant energy. While the shield is glowing, you emit an aura of bright light within a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Creatures of your choice within the bright light radius, including yourself, gain resistance to necrotic damage.


Radiant Aegis was crafted by a legendary paladin to protect themselves and fellow paladins against the insidious darkness that threatened the world.

Holy Symbols and Relics

Amulet of the Celestial Plane


Outer Planes

50,000-100,000 gp


The Amulet of the Celestial Plane is a beautiful pendant fashioned from shimmering moonstone, encased in a delicate silver setting. A small visible globe within the amulet exhibits swirling opalescent colors that mimic the ever-changing vistas of the celestial planes.
While wearing the Amulet of the Celestial Plane, you gain the following benefits:


Crafted by the celestial deity Arlanthor to aid the chosen mortals in their battles against the demonic hordes of the Abyss.

Wondrous Item

The Amulet of the Planar Voyager


Outer Planes

50,000-100,000 gp


This amulet is crafted from a polished obsidian pendant adorned with intricate silver filigree. The centerpiece is a large iridescent crystal that constantly shifts colors, resembling the planes it is attuned to. The amulet emits a faint glow that ebbs and flows like the ethereal essence of the outer planes.
While wearing this amulet, you gain resistance to all damage dealt by creatures native to any of the outer planes. Additionally, you can use an action to cast the 'Plane Shift' spell (5th level) once, targeting only yourself. You can't use this property again until you finish a long rest.


Legend speaks of the doomed adventurer Xanthar, who possessed this amulet in his travels across the outer planes. It is said that his ability to navigate the bizarre and treacherous landscapes of these otherworldly realms played a crucial role in his legendary quest to save the multiverse from certain destruction.

Amulets and Talismans

Astral Armor


Outer Planes

5,000 - 10,000 gp


Astral Armor is a lightweight suit of armor constructed from shimmering silver threads. The intricate patterns on the armor depict planes and stars, constantly shifting and pulsating as if alive. Each piece glows faintly with a soft, otherworldly light.
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.


Forged by a skilled celestial armor crafter in the outer planes, this armor was created to empower its wearer with the essence of the astral realm. However, it can only be harnessed by those aligned with the forces of good.


Phantom Locket



5,000-10,000 gp


The Phantom Locket is made of intricately carved silver with a translucent blue gemstone embedded in the center. When you hold the locket up to the light, you can faintly see the silhouettes of ghostly figures within the gemstone.
While wearing the Phantom Locket, you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. In addition, the locket can be activated as a bonus action. When activated, the locket releases a chilling aura around you, causing all creatures of your choice within a 15-foot radius to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, each target takes 3d8 cold damage and its speed is halved until the end of its next turn. This ability can be used an amount of times equal to your profieciency bonus per long rest.


Legend has it that the Phantom Locket was crafted by a master jeweler who was known for his affinity with spirits. This locket was created to attract and capture the essence of phantoms and provide protection against their malicious intents.

Amulets and Talismans

Phantom Sigil



300-500 gp


The Phantom Sigil is a small silver pendant, resembling a ghostly figure wrapped in wispy mist.
While wearing the Phantom Sigil, you gain advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Once per day, when faced with harm, the wearer can tap into the sigil's power as a reaction to halve the damage from any one attack that hits them. This reduction applies to the full force of the attack, whether it be physical, magical, or psychic in nature.


The Phantom Sigil was originally created by a holy order devoted to vanquishing vengeful spirits. This sigil, blessed by their deity, protects its wearer from the haunting terrors of the ethereal plane.

Holy Symbols and Relics

Phantom's Gaze

Very Rare


25,000 gp


Requires Attunement.
Phantom's Gaze appears as a sleek, jet-black longbow with a transparent, ethereal string that flickers with wisps of shadow. At its tip, there is a ghostly eye glyph that seems to constantly watch its surroundings.
Phantom's Gaze is a powerful longbow that exudes an aura of ethereal darkness.

Phantom'S Gaze has 9 charges but starts with 0 after attunement.
When you fire an arrow from this weapon, you can spend a charge to deal an additional 4d8 force damage. Additionally, when you hit a creature with Phantom's Gaze, they must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Killing an creature with Phantom's Gaze that has at least half of your level as CR, replenishes the charges by 3.


Crafted by an notorious elven fighter known as Shadowweaver, who made it her mission to eradicate thieves and specters haunting her homeland.


Harpy's Melodious Choker



4,000-5,000 gp


The Harpy's Melodious Choker is a delicate silver necklace adorned with a shimmering sapphire pendant. The choker glows with a faint blue aura as haunting melodies can be heard emanating from it when touched.
While wearing the Harpy's Melodious Choker, you gain the ability to unleash a magical petrifying melody. The Choker has 6 charges. As an action, you can spend 2 charges to begin playing a haunting lullaby. Each creature within a 30-foot cone must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become restrained. A creature affected by this ability can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. The choker regains 1d4+1 charges at midnight.


Legend has it that this choker was created by a sorcerer who sought vengeance against a horde of petrifying harpies.

Monster Part

Amulet of Petrification



500 gp


A small crystal amulet adorned with intricate carvings of frozen figures. When activated, the amulet faintly glows with a cold blue light.
While wearing this amulet, you can use an action to target a creature within 60 feet that you can see. The creature must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be restrained as its body transforms into solid stone for 1 minute. The creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If the creature fails three saving throws, it is permanently petrified until restored by the greater restoration spell or similar magic.


Crafted long ago by a powerful cleric to subdue an ancient basilisk threat.

Holy Symbols and Relics

Medusa's Tear Wine



2,500-5,000 gp


This exquisite wine is presented in a dark glass bottle, elegantly adorned with intricate gold and silver carvings of Medusa's visage. Inside the bottle, the wine has a mesmerizing purple hue, reminiscent of Medusa's gaze.
When you consume this magical wine, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you are petrified as if you were affected by the Medusa's Petrifying Gaze. The petrification lasts for 1 minute, until the spell Greater Restoration or similar magic is used, or until the effect is ended by completing a long rest. On a successful save, you suffer no ill effects.


Rumored to be created by a vengeful victim of the Medusa's gaze, this wine is a recurring nightmare in the tales of Medusa's victims turned tormentors.

Food and Drink

Wand of Shifting Sands



4,000 gp


This intricately carved wand is made of polished, golden sandstone. The tip of the wand is adorned with a small, shimmering piece of desert glass, giving off a faint glow.

While holding the wand, you can use an action to command it to unleash the power of the shifting sands. When you do so, creatures within a 20-foot radius centered on a point you choose within 60 feet of you must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 4d6 bludgeoning damage and are blinded until the end of their next turn. If they successfully save, they take half the damage and are not blinded.


Crafted long ago by a powerful desert sorcerer, the Wand of Shifting Sands was used to protect their hidden oasis from intruders, burying them beneath the unforgiving dunes.


Ring of Shifting Sands



2,500-5,000 gp


The Ring of Shifting Sands is a brass ring adorned with intricate carvings of sand dunes and swirling winds. Set within the ring is a small, polished gemstone that seems to contain tiny particles of sand moving in a fluid motion.
While wearing and attuned to this ring, you can gain the following abilities:

Sand Missiles: This ring endows its bearer with the power to conjure and launch projectiles of condensed sand, mirroring the effects of a 5th-level "Magic Missile" spell. The missiles manifest as hardened sand, homing in on targets with unerring accuracy. This ability can be invoked up to three times per day. Material Component: A pocketful of sand is required for each use of this spell.

Elemental Transformation: By activating this ring, the wearer is granted the extraordinary capability to transform into a Sand (Wind) Elemental. This transformation persists for a duration of up to 10 minutes and may be initiated once per long rest.

Sandstorm Generation: While in the Elemental form, the wearer has the unique ability to generate a sandstorm as an action. This sandstorm extends in a 20-meter radius from the elemental's core, lasting up to 1 minute. Visibility within the storm is severely reduced to 5 feet for all creatures except the elemental. Additionally, the sandstorm inflicts 1d6 slashing damage at the beginning of each turn to creatures caught within its bounds, simulating the natural, abrasive force of swirling sands.

Desert's Whispers: The wearer gains advantage on Survival checks made in desert environments and can communicate simple ideas with desert creatures.


Crafted by a powerful sand mage in the desert city of Siroth, the Ring of Shifting Sands was once bestowed upon the city's ruler to protect them in times of dire need. However, it was unfortunately lost during a coup, and now it surfaces at the hands of adventurers who happen to find it.

Mundane Items

Sands of Eternity



15,000-20,000 gp


The Sands of Eternity is a small flask filled with shimmering golden sand. The flask is intricately decorated with ancient hieroglyphs and sealed with an ornate stopper. When the stopper is removed, a subtle breeze carries a faint desert aroma.
While holding the Sands of Eternity, you can use an action to consume a sip from the flask. When you do, roll a d20. On a roll of 13 or higher, you regain 10d10 + 80 hit points. On a roll of a natural 1, you instead take 10d10 + 80 necrotic damage. Once used, this property of the Sands of Eternity can't be used again until the next moonrise.


Crafted by an ancient desert civilization, the Sands of Eternity were created to instill their warriors with the perseverance and endurance of the burning sands. Only bestowed upon the most heroic and honorable warriors, this potion was said to contain the essence of their ancestors' unending spirit. Legends speak of great champions standing tall amidst the desert storms, refreshed with unending vitality as they fought for the honor of their people.


Elixir of Haste



500 gp


The Elixir of Haste is a small vial filled with a shimmering, golden liquid.
When you consume this elixir, you gain the effects of the Haste spell for 1 minute (no concentration required). While under the effects of this elixir, your speed is doubled, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you gain an additional action on each of your turns.


Crafted by the renowned alchemist, Bordellis the Fleetfoot, the Elixir of Haste was once sought after by warriors and adventurers seeking an advantage in battle.

Magical Consumables

Staff of Swifts



300-500 gp


This staff is carved from a sturdy oak branch and adorned with intricate silver patterns that seem to resemble flying birds in motion. At the top, a small sapphire is embedded, emitting a faint blue light.
While holding this staff, you can use an action to speak a command word and cast the Haste spell on yourself. Once you have used this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest. Additionally, whenever you regain expended charges from this staff, roll a d10. On a roll of 1, the staff loses its light and its Haste ability no longer functions until it regains at least one expended charge.


Crafted by elven artificers, this staff was first used by a famous elven warrior known for their lightning-fast strikes in battle.


Hastening Javelin



500-1,000 gp


The Hastening Javelin appears as an ordinary javelin made of sleek silver metal, with intricate runes etched along its shaft.
Once per long rest, when thrown by a creature proficient with thrown weapons, the Hastening Javelin envelops the user in a brief burst of magical energy. The user gains the benefits of the Haste spell for 1 minute.


Forged by an elven artificer known for his quick reflexes in battle.


Chronomancer's Tome

Very Rare


8,001-15,000 gp


The Chronomancer's Tome is a large leather-bound book with intricate engravings of clocks and hourglasses adorning its cover. The pages within are made of delicate parchment that seems to shimmer with a faint, ethereal glow.
This spellbook is filled with powerful arcane knowledge that revolves around manipulation of time. Once attuned to the tome, you can cast the haste and slow spells once per day, without expending a spell slot. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and effects that manipulate time.

When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher while wielding the tome, you can choose to make the casting time become 5 minutes and the spell gains two additional targets of your choice within range.


Crafted by an ancient archmage known as Aurelias the Timeweaver, this tome was discreetly distributed throughout different planes and hidden in various magical vaults to prevent the irresponsible usage of its temporal power.


Chrono Bolts



2,500 gp


Chrono Bolts are small, metallic projectiles intricately carved with intricate clockwork designs. Each bolt is engraved with a different timepiece motif.
Chrono Bolts are a specialized type of ammunition that harnesses the power of time. Whenever a creature is hit with a Chrono Bolt, they are affected by its temporal properties. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or their speed is halved until the end of their next turn. In addition, the target is also forced to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, their actions and reactions are delayed until the end of their next turn. This means they have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until then. Once a Chrono Bolt is used, it disintegrates and cannot be used again.


Legend speaks of a powerful time wizard who was known to manipulate the flow of time itself. It is said that he infused regular bolts with his temporal magic to create these extraordinary projectiles. Only a few of them were ever crafted, and they were often pursued by collectors or those with a deep desire to control time.


Temporal Shield



500-1,000 gp


The Temporal Shield is a finely crafted steel shield, adorned with intricate engravings depicting time-related symbols and motifs. The engravings seem to shift and change as if in motion.
While holding this shield, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that would manipulate time, such as spells or abilities that alter the flow of time or hasten/inhibit aging. Additionally, you can use your reaction to cause any creature that hits you with a melee attack to become momentarily slowed. The attacker's movement becomes halved until the start of its next turn, and it has disadvantage on its next attack roll.


Forged by the renowned alchemist Faldrin, the Temporal Shield was created to protect against time magic during a great conflict with a time-warping sorcerer.

Helmets and Shields

Bellowing Thunder Gauntlets



500-1,000 gp


A pair of gauntlets made of tarnished steel, adorned with intricate lightning motifs. Sparks occasionally crackle along their surface.
While wearing these gauntlets, you can use your action to activate them, causing a deafening thunderous boom. Each creature of your choice within 10 feet of you must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be deafened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The gauntlets regain their expended charges each dawn.


Forged by a renowned blacksmith, these gauntlets were enchanted by an eccentric sorcerer to assist in his airship voyage across treacherous lightning-filled skies.

Wondrous Item

Thunderous Gauntlets



500-1,000 gp


These metallic gauntlets are adorned with intricate thunderbolt engravings. Blue arcane energy crackles and sparks along their surface.
While wearing the Thunderous Gauntlets, you gain the following benefits:
- You have resistance to thunder damage.
- When you deal thunder damage with a spell or a weapon attack, you can choose to use your bonus action to unleash a cacophonous blast. Each creature of your choice within 10 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes thunder damage equal to half the damage dealt by the triggering attack or spell. The DC for the saving throw is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short rest.


Forged centuries ago by a renowned blacksmith who sought to harness the power of thunder in battle.


Stormcaller's Tonic



1,200 gp


This tonic comes in a small vial, shimmering with silver liquid. When opened, a faint crackling sound can be heard, accompanied by a gentle scent of ozone.
When consumed, the imbiber gains resistance to lightning damage for 1 hour. Additionally, once during the duration, they can use their reaction to call forth a powerful thunderclap. Each creature of the imbiber's choice within a 10-foot radius sphere centered on them must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 3d8 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.


Crafted by a renowned storm mage at an ancient tower, this tonic was created to harness the uncontrollable power of storms.

Magical Consumables

Amulet of Everlasting Vigor



50,000 - 100,000 gp


While wearing this amulet, you gain the following benefits:
- Your maximum hit points increase by 50.
- Whenever you take a long rest, you regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier multiplied by your character level.
- Once per day, as a bonus action, you can choose to regain a number of hit points equal to your hit dice. After using this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.


This amulet was created long ago by an ancient dwarven warrior. Imbued with the essence of unwavering resilience, it was used by the dwarf to weather countless battles, emerging victorious with each conflict. Its true power lies in its ability to overcome any physical ailment, offering its bearer an unyielding vitality.

Amulets and Talismans

Dreamwalker's Rod



500 gp


The Dreamwalker's Rod is a finely crafted item, fashioned from polished wood adorned with intricate carvings depicting various dreamscapes. At its pinnacle, it features a small crystal orb that emits a gentle, pulsating light.

While holding this rod, you possess the ability to activate it as an action, causing a luxurious royal bed to instantaneously materialize at a designated location within a specific radius. Any creatures that are prone upon this bed immediately succumb to a profound, uninterrupted 8 hour long slumber.

Once summoned, the conjured bed functions similarly to an immovable rod, remaining firmly fixed in its initial placement, unable to be moved by any means. It provides a comfortable resting place for anyone who lies upon it. After a duration of 9 hours, the bed dematerializes, vanishing without a trace.

The Dreamwalker's Rod can only be used once per day.


Crafted by an ancient order of dreamwalkers to assist them in navigating the ethereal plane of dreams.


Dreambound Tome



250-500 gp


This weathered leather-bound book, with its faded gold lettering on the cover, exudes an aura of ancient wisdom. Its yellowed and well-loved pages bear the marks of countless hours of study and contemplation.

Attunement: To unlock the arcane potential hidden within this enigmatic tome, one must dedicate an hour in quiet attunement, forging a connection with its secrets.

Dreamweaver's Resilience: The Dreambound Tome bestows upon its attuned wielder an innate resistance to the allure of slumber. When confronted with spells or effects intended to induce sleep, whether through magical enchantments or the weight of relentless exhaustion, the bearer gains a significant advantage in resisting the call of sleep, enhancing their saving throws against these influences. Furthermore, the tome grants the power to conjure captivating illusions that vividly bring to life the most recent dream of any one creature within a 30-foot radius as an action. This manifestation takes the form of a bewitching Major Image, enabling the bearer to showcase the dream's intricate details and compelling imagery.


Legend tells of a great mage who traveled extensively, chronicling their strange and vivid dreams within this tome.


Gob's Transforming Gruel



2,000-5,000 gp


Gob's Transforming Gruel is a small cylinder-shaped container made of dark mahogany wood with intricate carvings of swirling vines and arcane symbols. It has a small hinged metal lid with a locking mechanism, and when opened, it reveals a compartment for storing gruel.
When consumed, Gob's Transforming Gruel allows the consumer to shapeshift into one specific creature form of their choice for 1 hour. The chosen form's challenge rating must be equal to or less than the consumer's level divided by 3 (rounded down). The consumer retains their mental ability scores, alignment, and class features, but can adopt the physical characteristics and natural abilities of the chosen creature, including its movement modes, senses, and skill proficiencies. Any equipment the consumer is wearing or carrying is integrated into the new form, but its size must be appropriate for the chosen creature's shape. The consumer cannot cast spells or speak while transformed. Once the duration ends, the consumer reverts back to their original form.


Crafted by the eccentric wizard Gob, an expert in shapeshifting magic, to assist adventurers in obtaining unique skills and experiences during their quests.

Rations and Provisions

Chameleon's Quiver



250-500 gp


This quiver is made of supple dark leather and is decorated with intricate patterns resembling the skin of a chameleon. It can hold up to 20 arrows.

Veiled Shot: Upon attunement, the wielder gains the ability to activate the quiver's primary magic as a bonus action. Once activated, this enchantment causes any arrow drawn and fired from the quiver (up to 20) to become nearly invisible mid-flight for 1 minute giving advantage for the attack.


Crafted by an enigmatic figure known only as "The Shadow Archer," the Chameleon's Quiver was designed for hunters and warriors who value stealth and surprise over brute force. Legends say that The Shadow Archer never missed a target, a feat attributed as much to skill as to the quiver's ability to confound enemies with arrows that struck from seemingly nowhere.

Wondrous Item

Amulet of Eldathar's Legacy



50,000 gp


The Amulet of Eldathar's Legacy is a masterwork of arcane craftsmanship, featuring a chain of pure gold links, each inlaid with a kaleidoscope of precious gems that glow with an inner light. The heart of the amulet is a pendant that never holds a single shape for long, morphing through representations of various creatures, objects, and elements, mirroring the fluid nature of reality itself.

The bearer of the amulet gains the ability to transform into any creature or object they have seen before. This transformation can be held for up to 1 hour and can be used twice per day. The transformation ends early if the wearer dies, falls unconscious, or dismisses it as a bonus action.

While transformed, the wearer adapts some of the innate abilities of the form they have assumed, such as flight, aquatic breathing, or darkvision. Abilities that significantly alter the balance of power, such as legendary resistances or actions, are not conferred.

In any form, the wearer retains their intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores, as well as their ability to speak, provided the new form is physically capable of doing so.

Eldathar's Insight: Once per week, the wearer can consult the amulet to gain advantage on any one skill check or saving throw, as the amulet channels the wisdom of Eldathar and all its previous wielders.


Forged in a bygone era by Eldathar, an archmage renowned for transcending the boundaries of form and essence, this amulet embodies his spirit of exploration and adaptability. Eldathar vanished from the mortal realm centuries ago, leaving behind his legacy within this artifact. It has since found its way through the ages, bestowing upon its bearers the gift of transformation and the freedom to explore the myriad possibilities of existence.

Mundane Items

Amulet of Agile Swiftness

Very Rare


5,000-10,000 gp


The Amulet of Agile Swiftness is an elegant silver amulet adorned with intricate engravings of wind and lightning. It radiates a faint aura of energy.

While wearing this amulet, the wearer gains the following benefits:
- The wearer's base speed increases by 10 feet.
- The wearer gains a +2 bonus to AC.
- The wearer has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
- The wearer can take an additional action on each of their turns, but it can only be used to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.


Crafted for the Swiftwind tribe by the legendary elven artisan, Amara Galathil, the Amulet of Agile Swiftness was bestowed upon the tribe's swiftest warriors to enhance their speed and agility in battle.

Amulets and Talismans

Wand of Swift Quicksilver



2,000-4,000 gp


The Wand of Swift Quicksilver is a slender wand crafted from polished silver and adorned with intricate engravings depicting lightning bolts. It crackles audibly with static energy when held.

While holding the wand, you can use a bonus action to cast the Haste spell (no spell slot required). This cast does not require any somatic or verbal components. Once the spell is cast, it can't be used again until the next dawn. The spell’s duration is 1 minute.


This wand was created by the renowned enchantress Iolettia the Fleetfooted, who sought to harness the essence of the wind and time itself.


Bracers of Nimble Haste



10,000-20,000 gp


These intricately crafted silver bracers are adorned with flowing runes resembling quicksilver. They glimmer with an ethereal sheen when activated.

While attuned to the bracers, you can use an action to activate them. Once activated, you gain the effects of the haste spell for 1 minute, concentrating on this effect is not required. After using this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.


Forged long ago by the legendary elven enchanters, these bracers were wielded by quick-stepping assassins who could strike as swiftly as shadows.

Mundane Items




300-500 gp


This blade appears to be made of polished steel with a gleaming amethyst embedded in the hilt. Once per day, you can use an action to coat the blade in a thick mist that clings to its surface. While this effect is active, the Mistblade deals an extra 1d4 cold damage on a hit. The mist lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss the effect using a bonus action.


Forged by the elven mage Larelinn, the Mistblade was said to have been made with the purest water from the Feywild. It was crafted to be both beautiful and deadly, enchanting enemies with its ethereal presence.


Ethereal Elixir



300-500 gp


This ethereal elixir appears as a translucent, swirling mixture contained in a glass vial. As an action, you can drink the elixir or administer it to a willing creature. Upon consuming the elixir, the drinker gains the ability to briefly phase between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. For the next 1 hour, the creature gains the ability to see into and interact with creatures and objects on the Ethereal Plane while on the Material Plane, as if under the effects of the Etherealness spell. The overlay of the Ethereal Plane appears as a faint shimmering haze.


Crafted by an eccentric mage fascinated by the ethereal plane whose research led to this unique elixir.

Magical Consumables

Ethereal Guard



50-100 gp


This ethereal shield adds +1 to the wearer's AC. While wearing the Ethereal Guard, the wearer has resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on saving throws against being charmed. The shield regains its charges whenever the wearer finishes a long rest.


Forged by an ancient order of paladins to protect against the undead.

Helmets and Shields

Ethereal Elixir



1,000-2,000 gp


When you drink this ethereal elixir, you gain the ability to see and interact with beings and objects on the Ethereal Plane for 1 hour. This effect functions similar to the spell Etherealness, allowing you to move between the Prime Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. While on the Ethereal Plane, you can see, hear, and move through creatures and objects as if they were insubstantial, but you cannot interact with or affect them. Additionally, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws made to avoid traps or hazards created by ethereal creatures or objects. After using the elixir, it can't be used again until the next dawn.


Crafted by a renowned artificer, the Ethereal Elixir was designed to grant access to the ethereal realms without the need for magical spells. It was initially created to allow scholars to study and record the ethereal plane at a more intimate level.

Magical Consumables

Sunlit Ambrosia



4,000 gp


This radiant golden jar, adorned with sun motifs, contains a radiant concoction known as Sunlit Ambrosia. The contents shimmer with an inner light, and when consumed, they taste like a heavenly blend of honey and sunlight. A single jar contains enough ambrosia for five servings.

Radiant Sustenance: A single serving acts as a meal for one person, providing nutrition and hydration for 24 hours.

Healing Light: Upon consumption, a creature regains 2d4 + 2 hit points, and gains advantage on saving throws against being blinded or charmed for 1 hour.

Solar Blessing: Once per day, when a creature consumes a serving under the open sky during daylight, they gain a +1 bonus to AC for 8 hours as their skin glows faintly with a protective radiance.

The Sunlit Ambrosia replenishes its servings at the first light of dawn, but only if left open under the sky for an entire night. The jar can recharge up to 5 servings this way. If not recharged within a week, the ambrosia loses its magical properties until recharged.


Crafted by a renowned celestial chef, this ambrosia was initially prepared for divine beings. It was said to invigorate and rejuvenate even the weariest of souls. The recipe was later shared with mortal realms as a gesture of goodwill, bringing a taste of the heavens to those on the earthly plane.

Rations and Provisions

Staff of Aberrant Whispers



5,000-10,000 gp


This intricately carved stave depicts numerous grotesque tentacle-like appendages entwined around its length. When you hold the stave, you can use a bonus action to whisper disturbing words granted by aberrant essences residing within it, tapping into their eldritch power. Choose one creature within 60 feet. The target must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 4d6 psychic damage and become frightened until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the target only takes half damage with no additional effect. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short rest.


This stave was crafted by a powerful wizard who became obsessed with aberrant creatures. It is said that the wizard ventured deep into the Underdark and communed with ancient horrors, harvesting their voices and binding them to this stave.


Vestments of the Enigmatic

Very Rare


5,000-10,000 gp


These strange and otherworldly robes, infused with the essence of aberrant creatures, grant the wearer enhanced protection and an aura of mystique. While wearing the Vestments of the Enigmatic, your armor class is increased by 2. In addition, when you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. Once you use this reaction, you can't use it again until you finish a short rest.


Crafted by an ancient sect of mystics who delved into forbidden knowledge, the Vestments of the Enigmatic were believed to have the power to commune with aberrant beings. They were worn by their enigmatic leader, known only as the Shrouded Oracle, who vanished mysteriously along with the robes.


Mindfire Amulet



300-500 gp


An amulet charged with the enigmatic energies of the Far Realm, granting the wearer the ability to unleash a burst of psychic energy.

Mindfire Surge: As an action, the wearer can activate the amulet to unleash a burst of psychic energy. This effect causes the wearer to emit a wave of psychic force in a 15-foot radius. Each creature in the area (excluding the wearer) must make a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw, taking 2d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The force of this burst also grants the wearer temporary mental clarity, giving them advantage on their next Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw before the end of their next turn.

Recharge Mechanism: Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the wearer completes a short rest.


Created by an enigmatic wizard deeply intrigued by the mysteries of the Far Realm, this amulet is the result of his attempts to harness and control its aberrant powers.

Gems and Jewelry

Staff of Fable



2,000-5,000 gp


The Staff of Fable is a finely crafted wooden stave adorned with intricate carvings and gemstones. It allows the wielder to bring stories to life with its magical properties. As an action, you can expend 2 charges to cast the Illusion spell 'Major Image' (save DC 15) without requiring concentration. The illusion created by this spell is vivid and immersive, appearing completely real to all senses. The staff has 5 charges and regains 1d4+1 charges at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a roll of 1, the staff loses its magical properties.


Crafted by the renowned sorcerer Nethos, the Staff of Fable was used to captivate audiences with his tales of mythical creatures and epic adventures. It is said that the staff holds within it fragments of ancient fables, giving it the power to weave illusions that transport listeners into the realms of these stories.


Cindertale's Quill



2,500-5,000 gp


This beautifully crafted quill is made from the feather of a mythical firebird. When wielding this quill, you have advantage on any ability check or saving throw made to resist charm or enchantment spells. Additionally, as an action, you can cast the spell 'Suggestion' once. It has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.


Legend tells that Cindertale, a renowned storyteller, used this quill to create tales of wonder and enchantment that captivated all who heard them.

Mundane Items

Glacial Heart



50,000-100,000 gp


This artifact appears as a luminescent sapphire pendant in the shape of a heart with intricate frost patterns. It has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at sunrise. When you cast a spell that deals cold damage using a spell slot, you can spend 1 charge to enhance the spell. The spell's damage dice increases by one step (e.g., d6 to d8) for each spell slot level above 1st.


Forged by the Winter Queen herself during the War of Eternal Frost to empower her champions.

Wondrous Item

Frostbite Dagger



2,501-5,000 gp


This enchanted dagger is made from gleaming blue ice. It has a blade that remains cold to the touch and emits a faint frosty mist. The weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Additionally, when you hit a creature with an attack using this dagger, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take an extra 2d6 cold damage and have its speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. The Frostbite Dagger has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and make the dagger's blade erupt with a surge of frigid energy. Each creature of your choice within 5 feet of you must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The dagger regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn.


Forged in the heart of a glacier, the Frostbite Dagger was crafted by an ancient frost giant blacksmith as a weapon to protect their kingdom from invading forces of fire giants.

Melee Weapons




30,000-60,000 gp


Frostfall is a large sword with an almost translucent blade, covered in intricate ice patterns. It is beautifully cold to the touch, never causing discomfort. While holding the sword, a gentle cold wind seems to emanate from it, chilling the surrounding air.

Frostfall has 5 charges, it regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn. As a bonus action, the wielder can expend one charge to imbue the sword with freezing power. For the next attack, the sword deals an additional 3d6 cold damage. Additionally, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or have their speed reduced to 0 until the start of their next turn.


Frostfall was created by an ancient ice sorcerer who sought to bring eternal winter to the world. However, his plans were thwarted, and the sword was lost for centuries, buried deep within an icy cave. It was rediscovered by a brave adventurer who used its incredible power to stop a rampaging white dragon, earning the sword its legendary status.

Melee Weapons

Circuitbreaker Gauntlets



300-500 gp


This pair of finely crafted gauntlets is adorned with intricate circuitry patterns along the arms. While wearing these gauntlets, the wearer can deliver a shocking grasp with a 1d6 electrical damage in addition to the normal effects of the spell. Once used, the Circuitbreaker Gauntlets regain their charge at dawn.


Forged by an enigmatic artificer known as Torvald Thunderclap, these gauntlets were designed to counter the incessant attacks of lightning-based creatures roaming the southern plains.

Wondrous Item




50,000 - 100,000 gp


This intricate armlet is made up of a network of intertwining silver wires, pulsating with a gentle golden glow. While worn, the Circuitborn grants the wearer a +2 bonus to their AC. Additionally, three times a day, the Circuitborn can be activated to cast the Shield spell on the wearer, without requiring a spell slot or components. The armlet regains all expended uses of this feature at dawn.


Legend speaks of a legendary artificer known as Taelis Thunderspark, who was renowned for his mastery over the art of circuitry magic. It is said that with his immense knowledge, he crafted the Circuitborn as his crowning achievement, a symbol of his legacy and control over the weave. However, Taelis disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving behind only his prized creation. Over the centuries, the Circuitborn passed into the hands of various adventurers and enchanters, each adding their own modifications to enhance its power. Now, this artifact rests in the possession of a powerful arcane order, used sparingly only by its most worthy members.

Wondrous Item




800 gp


This finely crafted shortsword has an intricately woven circuit pattern etched onto the blade, giving it a faint electrical hum. As a bonus action, the wielder can activate the Circuitblade's electrified edge, causing their next successful attack to deal an additional 1d6 lightning damage. Once this ability is used, it can't be used again until the wielder completes a short rest.


Forged by a gifted artificer seeking to mimic the power of thunderstorms in their blades.

Melee Weapons

Hourglass of the Desert



8,000-10,000 gp


This exquisite hourglass is made of enchanted crystal with fine grains of sparkling sand continuously flowing from top to bottom. When you flip the hourglass, you can cast the spell 'Wall of Sand' once. The spell's save DC is 15 and it requires no components. After using this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again. While holding the hourglass, you have resistance to fire damage.


Crafted by a powerful mage who sought protection from the scorching heat of the desert, this hourglass contains a snippet of sand imbued with the essence of elemental fire.

Wondrous Item

Amulet of Sandwalking

Very Rare


5,000-10,000 gp


This amulet is made of sandstone and features an intricate carving of a swirling sandstorm. While wearing this amulet, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks that are made with weapons not composed entirely of sand.


Crafted by a powerful desert mage in ancient times, this amulet was used by the mage to explore forbidden tombs buried deep beneath the shifting sands of a long-forgotten desert kingdom.

Amulets and Talismans

Sandstone Medallion



250-500 gp


This sandstone medallion depicts a small swirling vial of glowing sand beneath a solitary sun. As an action, you can sprinkle the sand held within the medallion onto the ground. The sprinkled sand transforms into an illusion of a giant sandstorm that fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within 60 feet. The sandstorm lasts for 1 minute or until you use an action to dismiss it.


Forged by an ancient desert sorcerer to ward off invaders.

Amulets and Talismans

Rockslide Gauntlets



5,000-10,000 gp


A pair of sturdy gauntlets made of enchanted stone. While wearing them, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks. Additionally, you can use an action to slam both gauntlets together, causing a shockwave that damages and knocks prone creatures within a 15-foot cone in front of you. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once this ability is used, it can't be used again until you complete a short rest.


Forged long ago by a group of earth elemental craftsmen, the Rockslide Gauntlets were created to aid in the defense of their subterranean kingdom. Over time, a few pairs found their way to the surface and into the hands of adventurous heroes.

Wondrous Item

Rock of Farore

Very Rare


5,000-10,000 gp


This fist-sized polished stone, encompassed by hardened earth, emits a calming, earthen aura. As an action, you can activate the Rock of Farore to cast the spell Stone Shape with a spell save DC of 17. Once used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.


Forged by ancient earth mages to reshape the terrain to their advantage, the Rock of Farore was often employed in battles where manipulation of the earth's very structure was key to victory.

Wondrous Item

Gloamstone Gauntlets

Very Rare


5,001-50,000 gp


These gauntlets are crafted from the hardened remains of rock fused with veins of shimmering gloamstone. While wearing these gauntlets, you gain a +3 bonus to Strength saving throws and have advantage on Strength ability checks. Additionally, you can use an action to activate the gauntlets' power, causing the ground within 30 feet of you to shake and rumble. Each creature of your choice, excluding yourself, within the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone and take 4d8 bludgeoning damage. Once used, this feature cannot be used again until the next dawn.


These gauntlets were created by Hildrax the Earthen, an ancient dwarf master smith, who sought to harness the power of the earth into a crafted relic. Legends say that Hildrax used these gauntlets to topple an entire enemy army single-handedly, causing the ground to crumble beneath their feet.

Wondrous Item

Amulet of Legends



100 gp


This small amulet is made of a silver medallion encased in a delicate golden frame. Embedded within the center is a small gemstone that changes colors depending on the magical energy around it. You can use an action to touch the amulet and speak a command word, causing it to emit a soft glow. While the amulet is glowing, you have advantage on Intelligence (History) checks made to recall information about legendary figures, stories, or locations. Once used, this property cannot be used again until you finish a short or long rest.


According to legend, this amulet was created by a wise sage who sought to preserve and honor the epic tales of the past.

Wondrous Item




5,000-10,000 gp


This enchanted longsword bears intricate engravings along its blade, depicting tales of heroic figures. Legendstrike functions as a +1 magical longsword and is attuned to the storied legends of the world. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, the wielder can speak the name of a legendary figure or hero they are aware of. The sword absorbs the essence of the figure, allowing the wielder to channel their prowess. For the next minute, the sword gains an additional +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls and deals an additional 2d6 radiant damage on a hit. If the attack roll is a natural 20, the target must also make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the wielder until the start of its next turn. The sword regains its charges at dawn.


Legendstrike was forged in the ancient celestial forge known as Valholden and was wielded by countless heroes during epic conflicts with evil forces.

Melee Weapons

Eternity's Gaze



5,000-10,000 gp


This stylish monocle is adorned with intricate silver filigree and a mesmerizing sapphire lens. While wearing Eternity's Gaze, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. In addition, as an action, you can activate its true power. When activated, your vision pierces the barriers of time and space, allowing you to see glimpses of past and future events within a 60-foot radius. This effect lasts for 1 minute and can be used once per long rest. However, after activating this ability, you suffer a -4 penalty to Wisdom (Perception) checks for the next hour as the fabric of time momentarily disrupts your natural senses.


Forged by an eccentric wizard, Eternity's Gaze was rumored to have been inspired by the vision granted to the wizard during a celestial alignment that spanned several nights. The enigmatic artifact served as a tool to aid the wizard in deciphering the cryptic writings left behind by an ancient civilization, and it has since passed through the hands of scholars, archaeologists, and explorers throughout the ages.

Wondrous Item




1,000-2,000 gp


This small, smooth stone, about the size of a pebble, radiates a slight warmth when held. Once per day, as a bonus action, the bearer can touch a non-magical weapon or suit of armor to temporarily enchant it. For the next hour, the weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and the armor gains a +1 bonus to AC. At the end of the hour, the enchantment fades and the forgestone must recharge by being placed in a fire for at least 1 hour.


Forged by a master artificer to aid warriors during battles.

Wondrous Item

Forgemaster's Hammer



400-800 gp


This well-crafted blacksmith's hammer is imbued with magical energy. While attuned to this hammer, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Additionally, the hammer holds 5 charges. As a bonus action, you can expend 1 charge to grant a non-magical weapon held within 5 feet of you a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 hour. The number of charges in the hammer is replenished each time you finish a long rest.


Forged by a legendary dwarf blacksmith known as Ghulkaz Ironfist, this hammer was used to create some of the finest weapons and armors during the War of the Smiths.

Melee Weapons

Flameforge Gauntlets



3,000-5,000 gp


These magically enhanced gauntlets are made of polished steel adorned with intricate forge-themed etchings. While wearing the Flameforge Gauntlets, you have advantage on all checks made to manipulate or control fire, such as starting or stoking a fire, shaping flames, or extinguishing a small mundane fire. Additionally, you have resistance to fire damage.


Forged by the renowned blacksmith, Argus the Flameheart, the Flameforge Gauntlets were crafted for a powerful Fire Genasi warrior to harness the immense elemental flames of the forge itself.

Wondrous Item


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